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  • Birthday 08/17/1973

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  1. Do we have any idea when the Watchman/Arcanist Starter box cards will become available on the M3E App? Really keen to experiment with crew lists.
  2. There is a shop Gadzooks (US based I think) that breaks up boxes and sells individual models, Carlos might be accessible through them. Maybe someone in your meta or on a Wyrd Place or in the trade forum area here is looking to trade or sell a Carlos. Then as Solkan pointed out here Miss Tique is an alt-Carlos, quite a few folks may have a spare, and she is likely to be available from Wyrd during the Black Friday sales. So your chances are pretty good of finding him/her as an individual model. Good luck.
  3. No Survival of the Fittest 😟 Wanted my big cat Marcus and two-headed raptors.
  4. Yeah, I (1) Like that the Aspirant and Unbound look like they will play differently, emphasising different things, which for me is the point of titles. (2) Looking at Unbound, I think he is a close-in master without any real defensive schtick beyond 14 Wds and the trigger switch off. Play a non-trigger-reliant min 3 beater into him, and things start getting nasty fast. Unbound is a Master/Henchman assassin, which is damn solid but not all-encompassing. Nice because I see Aspirant as more of a crew buff/support role master. The biggest issue with Unbound is this Less because it is fundamentally OP, more because it is a negative experience for many having their uber-beater, mega-master smashed by unavoidable, you're near me, so it happens, tech. The negative-play experience, more than the raw power, was a huge reason Cadmus and English Ivan were nerfed. I'm hoping that Unbound is not seen as too much of an anti-fun master selection (see Tara-2, for example, I've heard lots of complaints, some say she is OP, but more say she sucks to play, win or lose, it is not fun). I love Witness's fluff and feel, so I hope I don't feel 'dirty' playing either master-crew combo.
  5. I think it is Unbound's Redirect Magic in combination with the ability to declare any number of triggers with his Absolute Control attack. Basically, this means Absolute Control eliminates Df/Wp triggers and then gives at least one, possibly two extra trigger suits to Unbound. Spelleaters are aggravating, Unbound is a whole other level, hell it has interesting impacts on what an opponent will cheat in a Df/Wp duel, knowing what suits they don't want to trigger could restrict their cheating options, won't be decisive but will sometimes be a factor. You're seeing more here than I do, no doubt she is likely useful, and at 6SS not to expensive. Maybe I'm missing the on-table utility, will have to experiment.
  6. So. From the devotees of the rebellious book perspective. Ravencroft Unbound seems like a nightmare to face. Unless I'm missing something, "Redirect Magic" is a monstrous, verging on crew-breaking ability. Stripping your opponent of suits, especially on the defensive triggers, and then gaining them to stack a declare multiple simultaneous triggers on his attack, wow . Miya looks, OK, slow, low damage output, but some utility in a 6SS package, the anti-summoning is nice, but she isn't really a model I want to get stuck in; the Chi barrier could have some interesting uses but again very short range on a slow, fragile enforcer. Unbound will definitely get table time. Miya, maybe.
  7. I'm the exact opposite. I love the look of the Witness keyword; I'm all in. Add to that, as a committed book nerd; I could easily be pulled into a Storyteller sub-crew, really cool battle-librarian/forbidden lore/manifested myth vibe. So I'm broken basically, or at least the wallet will be.
  8. So, a thought... There is potential in my mind that the new masters, or at least Damian, may have a title that is NOT dual-linked with another new release. If this is true, then Untold Tales WYR23330 could be the standalone Damian title box. I don't think this is as likely as other options, but I am also not discounting it. Wyrd may have decided that strongarm connecting all the new masters does not make sense rules, and theme-wise, all, some, or none of the new master releases may be keyword linked. We shall see. It is also notable that Damian's crew already does have a link to Wong and Whizz-Bang, so it is not as though Witness exists in a keyword vacuum.
  9. So to the speculation that Untold Tales will be Ravencroft's title box. It makes sense that it is not spoiled as that would also spoil the other cross-faction master (maybe Story? Makes sense certainly). Also, the pricing is much more consistent at US$35- for a twin small base master and single small base enforcer model in a title box (it is the same price point as Self-Made, They All Fall Down, A Twisted Tale and Hidden Allegiances all title boxes) so that would fit. However, the code is the key. All the title boxes are WYR239...... All the Arcanist boxes are WYR233...... In the other factions, the Starter boxes code matches the generic faction codes, and Untold Tales is a WYR233(30). So I'm betting Untold Tales is purely an Arcanist release. As a Starter box release, it seems too cheap, out of line with other starter box releases (all at least US$45-), but not sure what else it could be; Ravencroft seems to have a full deck of releases already with a Core box + 2 keyword support. So colour me waiting for the complete revelation of the untold tale.
  10. The GenCon Nightmare reveals, and the pre-orders show a veritable smorgasbord of Arcanist joy. See here: https://www.wyrd-games.net/news/2022/7/27/waldos-weekly-gen-con-2022 The Nightmare crew is all usable for the folks of the book, with Hoffman really being an Arcanist at heart even if he still has some filthy Guild entanglements. The new crew, Witness, is all Arcanist and looks interesting and enjoyable; immensely curious to see what the title model is for Ravencroft. Also, where will this crew appear in print? Two of the title boxes, Coldsnap and Survival of the Fittest, also feature in the early releases (meaning only Mei and Toni titles will not be accessible in some form of retail by the middle of August). The Miss model is Arcanist's own fire dancer god(dess). Finally, we appear to have one other (as yet mysterious) release, WYR23330 Untold Tales $35.00 online only. Speculation abounds, but based on the production code, it is undoubtedly Arcanist; it seems a little cheap at only US$35- for a starter box, but baffled as to what else it could be. So game-wise, it is a great time to be a rebel for a freer Malifaux for all. Wallet-wise, not so much, but thems the breaks; a revolution needs funding support, I guess. What are folk's thoughts on the Witness keyword?? For mine, I certainly feel Leger de Main should have included the Performer keyword, I mean, come on..... Any thoughts on what the Untold Tales contains??
  11. Of note, The Explorer's, Outcast and Neverborn Starter boxes are all US$45- The Bayou Starter box is $US55- Depending on how you classify it the Court of Two (Ten Thunders) vs the Guild Starter box is US$100- So if Untold Tales is the Arcanist Starter it would fall in the cheapest box range.
  12. Well, it is here. The Strategies seem cool, a fair mix of kill and work to achieve; one is very killy - Cursed Objects; the others are more location-based. Scheme wise: I like most of them, a nice mix of more killing (Vendetta, Assassinate, In Your Face), survival (Hidden Martyrs, Catch and Release), positional (Secret Meetup, Public Demonstration) and scheme marker (Breakthrough, Leave Your Mark, Sabotage, Set the Trap, Spread Them Out) orientated focus. With Load 'Em Up working with any single type of marker scheme or otherwise. In Your Face, I think, needs to be revealed at the moment of the kill, not at the end of Turn, because I can foresee arguments of where/when a model was killed in relation to the respective Master, especially if the Master subsequently moves. I won't comment on the respective difficulty of each Strategy and Scheme until it has sunk in and I've thought a bit. However, I'm open to more experienced and frequent players offering Arcanist Master/Crew preferred pool selections and the GG-3 Scheme, which specific Master/Crew's should avoid (and, of course, if there are any auto-avoids or auto-takes).
  13. One thing. Is it just me, or can you theoretically get 5 VP from Cursed Objects (5 curses, 1VP/kill-remove/turn) and only 4 VP from Carve a Path (2x Markers worth a max of 4pts) from Guard the Stash (total of 4x Markers not entirely in your half) and from Covert Operations (4x Markers which can be claimed)?? Should Cursed Objects be scorable turns 2-5 (capping it at 4VP)? Or is this an intentional thing?
  14. So this is intriguing, We now have two Henchmen models, across two+ factions of use with the Returned keyword. Barbaros Outcasts (and also Nekima) is Returned Gwyll Rezzers is now also Returned So time for rampant speculation.... I think (and I also think the consensus agrees) that the Returned is associated with Lilith and the fluff text in this Weekly only reinforces that belief. So will Lilith "return" in some form or fashion as Neverborn? Rezzers? Outcasts? some dual faction combination? or as something else entirely?? Is it Lilith at all? I'm pretty sure the to be released next Malifaux book will include a new keyword for each faction. We've seen Returned (Rezzers/Outcast connection), Witness (Arcanist connection), Story (Ten Thunders connection), Angler (Bayou connection) and Cavalier (Guild connection), I think that is the summary. So I am wondering who will get what and where??
  15. So the magical rebels have a new keyword, looks like a Tyrant connection, and Henchman model. Not super hot on the 3D rendering of the model but hopefully the actual model is better, especially with a lick of paint. Seems OK durability wise. Anti-Demise is damn useful, but ouch on a Henchman worth 11SS ook. Still always need anti-demise. Hits hard, lots of tricks with SS and damage. The big question is how the Configuration mechanic will work, seems the card interacts with it but not fully, so keyword?? As I see it it has some hand crafting utility, but exactly how I'm not sure - can you access your Configuration to play a card? Not sure, don't think I'm missing the obvious rules description, so likely need to see the Witness keyword master. We got rocks.
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