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Do different levels of cover stack?



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What little I could find.


Pg.38, LRB, Projectile Attack Modifiers:  A model’s [gun] Attack flip receives [-] when attacking a model in cover.


Pg 42, LRB, Cover: A model will gain the benefits of cover from a projectile attack when any LoS line between the attacking model and the target model can be drawn through any terrain with the soft or hard cover traits that is within 1" of the target model.


It seems like it's intended that you get "cover", and use the appropriate one. As both Soft and Hard grant the same penalty to hit, "cover" would only apply once. That's how I would interpret it, but I can see how it could be read otherwise.

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Yeah, I think the phrase "soft or hard cover traits" seems like it would not stack. You either have cover or you don't, and that cover may have one of two traits. 

Not exactly. Terrain can have either hard or soft cover, but traits aren't the same as cover; they just declare the terrain type. So no single piece of terrain could give you more than one. However, if you were effected by an aura, or two different types of terrain(say a wall in a forest) the traits don't really come into it, because they are coming from separate sources.


I'm not saying you should get the benefit of both types of cover, just that I don't think that traits specifically speak to the issue.

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