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Building to face low corpse enemies


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I was curious how my esteemed colleagues go about building their list to deal with things which are not going to leave much in the way of corpse counters. Do you change out your caster/build if you know you are going to be facing a heavy construct or spirit list? Or do you just count on your own model's corpse counters? Does that raise the stock, so to speak, for models like the Canine Remains or Mortimer and their ability to "summon" corpse counters?


As far as masters go, would you then perhaps forego Nico for McMourning or perhaps Kirai?


I am looking toward my month 2 #ToMB purchases to help me out in this regard, so thanks.

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Without much experience in Rezzers, I would immediately say off-hand that Nico should be replaced with a different Master (and thus a different build) when facing constructs, Spirits, or other non-corpse-leaving models. I personally like McMourning because he doesn't have much reliance on Corpses to really speak of and he has Precise (and can spread Precise), allowing him to ignore armor, which constructs quite often possess.


Beyond the Good Doctor, I think thematic, non-Bloat Seamus might be a good call as while he does rely on Corpses a little to make Belles, it seems to be to replenish his crew rather than bolster it. I don't have much experience with the Wave 2 Rezzer masters, but I don't think you need more than Dr. Doug as your master option.


~Lil Kalki

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Nick is my boy. I don't find that playing him is suboptimal against enemies that don't drop counters, specifically Ramos in my meta. I always come packing Morty and a dog, though. I generally only summon a couple of times, and usually early on, unless I'm replacing downed zombies.

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I never rely on my enemies corpse counters. Nico does not need them. First off I play Nico a lot of ways my current list has one canine remains and Toshiro with corpse bloat.  I use the corpse bloat and canine to get me some early counters and early undead.  From there I spam undead, if mine die fine, I make more, and with Toshiro being undead I can heal him with Nico after summoning and get two birds with one stone.  It works really well. Toshiro and Nicodem are made for each other.  


Hope this answers your questions.

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These masters have little to do directly with corpses unless you add generic upgrades like Laughter, Spare Parts or Bloat:

McMourning: poison condition triggers from Moonlighting convert deaths into doggies or flesh constructs. Plastic surgery has to be the neatest upgrade for extracting corpses from an arachnid swarm :)

Tara - seems to have a large focus on burying / denial of models.

Kirai - the significant Spirits summon off other friendly Spirits wounds.

Yan Lo - Rebuild Corpus - the ancestor that dies drops the corpse required.

Molly - like Kirai, summoning is based on wounds. For Molly this is siphoning the wounds off enemy models instead of friendlies.

In addition to BYO corpses via Mortimer, Bloat and doggies the dismember trigger on Gaki and Mortys MI attacks can net some bonus drops over the course of a game.

Nico has the greatest interaction with corpses and you should always BYO bodies to the field with his crew - they will all serve a purpose.

eamus gets good millage out of a first or second turn summoned belle. The bonus corpses dropped when going on a murder spree really enable him to get increasingly brazen as he uses Red Chapel Killer to get away. If he's breaking Hoffmans toys he might need to plan his actions out a bit further.

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