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The Honeypot Casino Chronicles


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So, with March looking like a month where I am actually going to manage to get a good few games of M2E under my belt and a local GT due in June, I wanted to pick a master and use him exclusively to really try to get to grips with him until getting slaughtered at the big tournament.


It came down to the choice between Lynch and Mei Fang and although, I had picked up Lynch thinking I would use him more as 10T, it turns out that I just can't seem to be drawn away from Neverborn for long so I will be using  Lynch in his Neverborn guise and really trying to get him to work for me.


Whilst no doubt there will have been plenty of Lynch discussion in my hiatus from the game, I thought I would start this log/discussion to give my thoughts and reports whilst also angling for feedback from those of you out there who have been able to play more games with him than I have.


I intend to discuss Lynch's abilities, upgrades and the minions available to him in depth at a point that is not so late at night but after getting a game in with him this evening I thought that would be a good little place to start.


50ss game


I was looking to try out a teddy slingshot discussed here



- Endless Hunger

Hungering Darkness


Mr Graves






My opponent took the following


Hoffman (Not sure on upgrades)







Mechanical Attendant


The strategy was Turf War and my schemes were assassinate and plant evidence.


As you can see from my list, I limited the upgrades I took as I didn't want to make the crew too complicated to begin with. I also did not concentrate on the brilliance mechanic instead taking a very general Neverborn crew. I will be concentrating more and more on brilliance through the month, although I know that Argentbadger, in our local tournament scene, has had great success with 10T Lynch without focusing on brilliance. It was my opponent's first game with Hoffman in Mark 2 so it was very much a learning experience for both of us.


This isn't the place for a full report but highlights did include Teddy getting the Peacekeeper down to 1 wound left in turn 1, Lynch using his hold out pistol to damage and slow the warden and then killing him next turn with another good shot, Graves beating Hoffman to a pulp with a fencepost and the Hungering Darkness killing a Hunter and an Austringer.


From my opponents point of view, after the death of his peacekeeper he actually managed to kill teddy with a lawyer, The Austringer raptor striking poor Lilitu to death and the Hunter actually being worth taking in this edition.


I eeked out a narrow victory as a result of the succesful assassination.


Initial thoughts


Hungering Darkness is a wonderful 0 cost model and ultimately means that if you bring Lynch to the table, then unlike other masters  with a measly 3 general AP, you essentially get 5 general AP split across two activations. With Endless hunger you also get a nice casting expert action too.


While the hungering darkness can't do melee like Lilith, and Jakob can't do card control like Zoraida (basing this on Zoraida from mark I), they can both do well in their respective speciality and both be on the table at the same time.


Whilst Lynch wouldn't win a one on one fight with many masters he still seemed to be more than adequate, with verynice triggers both offensively and defensively and a couple of useful 0 actions.



Anyway, that's really just my general thoughts from tonight's quick game. I look forward to posting more detailed breakdowns and battle reports as the summer progresses as well as posting pics of my crew.


I would love to hear how you all have been finding Lynch as a true Neverborn citizen!

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Jakob Lynch



So looking at his stats we have a master with an average defence and reasonable willpower, 10 wounds a walk of 4 inches and charge of 6. He has a very low ss cache of 1 which, considering bringing along the Hungering Darkness will mean you have two models in a crew who can utilise them might prove frustrating.




Defensively Lynch isn't as resilient as many other masters. His defence of 5 pales in comparison to the likes of Lilith and at only 10 wounds it might appear that he would fall to a brisk breeze. He isn't a frontline master however so will often be at the back of the line whilst some of your other models put in the hard graft up front. Either that or he is at the centre of a bunch of very hard support models that your opponent will have to get through in order to reach him.


His greatest integral defensive asset however is the trigger hold em. Hold em means that if an attacker cheats an attack action against Lynch then, after the attack action is resolved, they will suffer two damage. Like a supercharged black blood this should prove to be invaluable as the suit is already built in. In addition, the trigger is not dependent on damage having been caused and as such will also trigger if they miss you with the attack.




Ace in the hole


Whenever an ace, played by another friendly model in his crew, would be placed in the discard pile then Lynch can place it in his control hand. What use is an ace? Well, for any actions that require discarding a card to get a bonus, always having an ace in hand is perfect. As such miniatures with the likes of flurry or rapid fire might be able to find a home in a Lynch crew.


It is also excellent for ensuring a trigger can be declared for Lynch's hold out action.


None for me  - Lynch can never suffer from brilliance.


Hold em - Discussed above.


Infiltration - Crews led by this model may hire 4 Darkened miniatures irrespective of faction.


Attack Actions


Lynch's hold out pistol should not be overlooked. With a reasonable sh characteristic he should have a better than average chance of hitting most non master models. It has a range of 8 but can also be used in melee. Lynch can discard a card to declare a trigger corresponding to the discarded cards suit. As mentioned above this sits very nicely with Ace in the hole. The triggers range from increased damage to giving the targer slow.


Play for Blood - A Casting of 8, this 8 inch range willpower duel will always have a reasonable chance of success. The loser of the duel suffers 2 damage. The casting of this also has a built in trigger that would give your target brilliance when succesful.


Tactical Actions


Mulligan - Discard three cards and then draw three cards. We have all suffered from a bad hand. Switch out 3 of those low cards. No doubt invariably for another three terrible cards. :D


Pay Up - A zero action where, for every enemy model with the brilliance characteristic, flip a card from the deck and place an masks into your hand. This obviously would seem to play out better at the end of a turn when you have had a chance to place brilliance on models and has synergy with the woke up with a hand ability.



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Taking aside the general Neverborn upgrades, none of which look particularly worthwhile when compared to the thematic upgrades we have.


Woke up with a hand - A very useful looking upgrade which gives Lynch an upgrade and an attack action. The upgrade means that if Lynch activates last in a turn he can draw two cards. This leads nicely into the attack action Which if succesful means that the target model suffering from the brilliance charateristic takes damage equal to the number of cards in Lynch's hand.


Wanna See a Trick - Grants an ability whereby Lynch reveals any number of aces from his hand and a nearby model with brilliance will suffer two damage per ace.


The Rising Sun - The upgrade which can allow the revival of hungering darkness. When it would be killed, bury it. When an enemy model with brilliance within 6" of lynch is killed unbury the buried hungering darkness.


Expert Cheater - Any friendly model in Jakobs line of sight may cheat face down. Excellent for trying to thin down your opponents hand. Also, when you aren't too concerned at losing the duel, cheat in a face down ace, you'll get it back anyway and you might force your opponent to cheat in a high card.  This upgrade also grants another defensive trigger, squeal, allowing lynch to push 4" away when damaged by an enemy melee attack


Endless Hunger - A great upgrade which although limited to Lynch really benefits the Hungering Darkness. It gives the HD casting expert, which proves to really speed him up as he can then use both his general actions to get into position - if required - and with the casting action will still be able to put some good damage out. It also changes his terrifying (living) 12 to terrifying (all) 12.


Addict - A plus to all attack and damage flips for darkened models against opponents with brilliance. A lot of the thematic crew choices already get similar bonuses but extra plus flips are always useful and it might also help out if you plan on bringing along some stitched togethers and/or Mr Graves. Just because they are darkened but don't have any intrinsic boosts against brilliant models.

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The following models available to Lynch have the brilliance characteristic:







Brilliance can be spread from the following:


Lynch's hold out pistol, coated bullet trigger

Lynch's Play for Blood attack action

Hungering Darkness Tendrils, A sliver remains trigger

Beckoners Despicable promises attack action

Illuminated's scintillating cloud markers

Depleted's smouldering grasp, just a touch trigger

Depleted's Consumed ability

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I would love to hear how you all have been finding Lynch as a true Neverborn citizen!


While I have not played every master released in the first wave, I would definitely say that Lynch is one of the strongest masters in the game.  So far I've lost exactly 1 game with him.  I play him exclusively as Neverborn, but looking at the new general upgrades that the 10T are getting in the beta, I would definitely try him out as 10T once those are released.


Now that the second wave is official, I look forward to seeing if he can continue to be dominant. 

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@Daemonkin - Certainly give Lynch a go, I have found him to be a really fun master in the games I have had with him. I have't really checked out Lucius yet but anything Neverborn appeals to me (apart from the dreamer oddly enough) so I am sure he will make his way onto my want list soon enough.


@Madmansu - Good to hear. I'm not massively competitive and very much into the game on a try a few things and have fun kind of basis but I have found that Lynch works pretty well with that to.



Well, I'm hoping to get another practice game before a tournament on Saturday and intend trying the following list:


Lynch - Cache 3

-Woke up with a hand

-Endless Hunger

Hungering Darkness





Mr Graves




Really want to start using Tannen at some point too.


Battle reports to follow.

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Pretty much yes. In the games I have had so far I have only felt that I have needed the one. Of course I hadn't previously been concentrating on the brilliance mechanic so that may well change for Saturday's event.


Beckoners are fantastic but i'm just not sure enough on trading one for a third illuminated given their resilience and therefore scheme scoring ability.

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Great blog.  I will certainly be reading more of this as I love Lynch.  Your painted Lynch looks lovely.  If I may be so bold, I'll point out a few things that I've noticed in my games with Lynch:


He's great to take if Deliver a Message is on the table as he has no business being in the thick of it anyway.  That's not to say that he can't hold his own (within reason) up close and personal, but he isn't like Lady Justice who wants to be wading through her victims.


The price point on Endless Hunger and Rising Sun is perfect - it really does come down to your preference as to which to take rather than having one be clearly better.


Expert cheater is hilarious.  I don't usually take it (I'd rather just have more pieces on the table) but it really changes how the game is played.


As you state, Ace in the Hole is a great ability to take with any model that has a 'discard a card to do X' ability.  You'll also sometimes find that by the time you want to activate Lynch you'll have hoovered up a few aces that you can then Mulligan away into something more useful.


Despite his low starting cache, I've rarely felt that I need more.  Neither Lynch nor Hungering Darkness particularly need to use their soulstones to get suits for triggers or casting so you can save them for crucial damage prevention flips.


Thanks for the shout out!  I agree with you on the Beckoners - one is usually enough to do the jobs that are needed; taking another one diminishes the wall of threats that you need to keep enemies off Lynch and your other support pieces.


I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on with the crew on Saturday.

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Great blog.  I will certainly be reading more of this as I love Lynch.  Your painted Lynch looks lovely.  If I may be so bold, I'll point out a few things that I've noticed in my games with Lynch:


He's great to take if Deliver a Message is on the table as he has no business being in the thick of it anyway.  That's not to say that he can't hold his own (within reason) up close and personal, but he isn't like Lady Justice who wants to be wading through her victims.


The price point on Endless Hunger and Rising Sun is perfect - it really does come down to your preference as to which to take rather than having one be clearly better.


Expert cheater is hilarious.  I don't usually take it (I'd rather just have more pieces on the table) but it really changes how the game is played.


As you state, Ace in the Hole is a great ability to take with any model that has a 'discard a card to do X' ability.  You'll also sometimes find that by the time you want to activate Lynch you'll have hoovered up a few aces that you can then Mulligan away into something more useful.


Despite his low starting cache, I've rarely felt that I need more.  Neither Lynch nor Hungering Darkness particularly need to use their soulstones to get suits for triggers or casting so you can save them for crucial damage prevention flips.


Thanks for the shout out!  I agree with you on the Beckoners - one is usually enough to do the jobs that are needed; taking another one diminishes the wall of threats that you need to keep enemies off Lynch and your other support pieces.


I'm looking forward to seeing how you get on with the crew on Saturday.


Delighted to have your input. Painting wise, I can't take the credit. I had a friend at my local club paint up my Lynch crew in order that I had a single crew that I wasn't embarrassed to place on the table. I was going to just put pictures of each thing up as I reached their entry but I think I'll place them below as I think they are worth seeing.


I also love expert cheater but have only used it in two games. Lynch's other upgrades can be so effective that it rarely makes it in. I also, completely agree with you on soulstones. The game I had earlier in the week I started with a cache of just one I think and used it for reflipping initiative. I didn't feel short in any way.


Some pics of a couple more pieces






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The Hungering Darkness


Characteristics and Abilities


So looking at the Hungering Darkness the first thing to note is that he does not intrinsically have brilliance.  He is a spirit which is near as dammit as good as having his wounds doubled up to an impressive 14. Pretty useful given his paltry defence.


Terrifying (Living) 12 is useful, although I personally have forgotten about enforcing terrifying tests since the game first came out. He is also incorporeal.


Attack actions


Tendrils - A melee casting attack with a ca of 6 and really useful in built triggers. The damage also receives a plus against targets with brilliance. With the built in mask you can heal two damage or inflict brilliance onto your target. Alternatively, with a ram in your casting total the damage can be increased to a very healthy 4/5/7.


Heed my voice - A range 8, Ca 7 spell where the target non leader model allowing you to control the target for a 1 action. THis attack also gets a plus against targets with brilliance. With two masks in the cast against a target  with brilliance you can make the effect permanent.


Tactical actions


Consume Brilliance - This model heals one damage for each model within six inches with the brilliance characteristic. Then those models must take a TN13 horror duel.


As the HD's attacks are based of casting then the Endless Hunger upgrade is terrific with him as it grants casting expert. As such, the option of a walk into melee, a cast of tendrils damaging and giving the target brilliance and then another boosted attack or making the ffect permanent with Heed my voice becomes very acheivable.

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I approach Lynch pretty differently. I typically run Woke up With a Hand, Rising Sun and Wanna See a Trick (although I have been testing his avatar and the Retributions' Eye upgrades from the beta).

The strategy is remarkably simple, use Huggy as an entirely disposable distraction that hands out Brilliance. Let the enemy kill it and bring it back like clockwork every turn. Huggy is a tall guy with a good melee range so. He can easily engage half a crew on his own.

I usually run an entirely afactional crew since Lynch's infiltration let's him run all the models he wants in either faction. Right now I've got double Beckoners, double Illuminated and Double Stitch Togethers which makes for a really solid crew (although Lynch really does do as much killing as everyone else combined)

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            Great points all around.  Just wanted to add one more idea for potential builds; the Doppelganger.   I have only ever run Lynch as  NB and I always take her/him/it.  I find the flexibility it offers invaluable.  When building your crew it lets you run  the one Beckoner but have access to a second one in a pinch, more or less (unless you have horrible cards).  It is also a great scheme-scorer; it can interact while engaged for plant explosives, and, with the help of camouflage, manipulative, and  defensive stance it can actually turn into a decent road block/objective holder for a critical turn.  In addition; you opponent has to at least be slightly cautious of what they bring to the pitch because you could potentially get to use it against them. Finally, from the fluff perspective, it lets you cheat the Initiative flip which is definitely something Lynch would do.

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The Hungering Darkness


Characteristics and Abilities


So looking at the Hungering Darkness the first thing to note is that he does not intrinsically have brilliance. He is Darkened however and as such he will benefit from the addict upgrade. He is also a spirit which is near as dammit as good as having his wounds doubled up to an impressive 14. Pretty useful given his paltry defence.


Terrifying (Living) 12 is useful, although I personally have forgotten about enforcing terrifying tests since the game first game out. He is also incorporeal.


Just wanted to point out:  the Hungering Darkness does not benefit from Addict.  Addict only affects minion models.  He is a henchman.

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            Great points all around.  Just wanted to add one more idea for potential builds; the Doppelganger.   I have only ever run Lynch as  NB and I always take her/him/it.  I find the flexibility it offers invaluable.  When building your crew it lets you run  the one Beckoner but have access to a second one in a pinch, more or less (unless you have horrible cards).  It is also a great scheme-scorer; it can interact while engaged for plant explosives, and, with the help of camouflage, manipulative, and  defensive stance it can actually turn into a decent road block/objective holder for a critical turn.  In addition; you opponent has to at least be slightly cautious of what they bring to the pitch because you could potentially get to use it against them. Finally, from the fluff perspective, it lets you cheat the Initiative flip which is definitely something Lynch would do.


That is a really convincing point for the Doppelganger, also doesn't that thing cost the same as a Beckoner? 7ss. I will definitely have to look into that. Also I am thinking about dropping one Beckoner for two Depleted's, just to try it out. 


Also that Tannen is awesome! 

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That is a really convincing point for the Doppelganger, also doesn't that thing cost the same as a Beckoner? 7ss. I will definitely have to look into that. Also I am thinking about dropping one Beckoner for two Depleted's, just to try it out. 


Also that Tannen is awesome! 


Try this list for giggles and profits.



Lynch - 5ss

-Eternal Hunger

-Woke Up With a Hand


Hungering Darkness

-Fears Given Form




Mr. Graves


Terror Tot



HD on the line.  Mr. Graves base to base with HD.  Doppleganger 4 inches behind HD (this is important to avoid the Fears test).




Step 1: Doppleganger mimics Graves "show ya the door" (SYTD).  Doppleganger moves up to HD.  Doppleganger SYTD on HD, move both forward 6 inches.


Step 2: Graves walks forward.  Graves SYTD on HD.  Both move forward 6 inches.


Step 3: Charge with HD.  Deployment + 2x SYTD + Charge stat + MI range = 27 inch range, assuming standard deployment.  Graves charges in on Turn 2 as backup.


Now you've got a 3 AP HD in the middle of his crew after 3 activations on the first turn, that causes a DF14 test on anyone who activates inside HD's 8 inch bubble, and a terrifying all stat for anyone who attacks him.  Use all your soulstones to keep him alive. 


Rest of the crew plays as normal Neverborn/Lynch crew.  Doppleganger can be used either to mimic a Beckoner's Lure, or mimic Graves/HD for attack actions.


So far I'm nearly undefeated with this list.  A good Nicodem player can be problematic.

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I approach Lynch pretty differently. I typically run Woke up With a Hand, Rising Sun and Wanna See a Trick (although I have been testing his avatar and the Retributions' Eye upgrades from the beta).

The strategy is remarkably simple, use Huggy as an entirely disposable distraction that hands out Brilliance. Let the enemy kill it and bring it back like clockwork every turn. Huggy is a tall guy with a good melee range so. He can easily engage half a crew on his own.

I usually run an entirely afactional crew since Lynch's infiltration let's him run all the models he wants in either faction. Right now I've got double Beckoners, double Illuminated and Double Stitch Togethers which makes for a really solid crew (although Lynch really does do as much killing as everyone else combined)


Sounds interesting. I am really looking forward to trying out the Stiched as I get more games under my belt.


Just wanted to point out:  the Hungering Darkness does not benefit from Addict.  Addict only affects minion models.  He is a henchman.


Thanks very much for pointing that out. I have amended to prevent confusion. Also, I like the sound of your doppelganger list a great deal, it appears to be far more efficient than my previous teddy slingshot.

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To add to what I posted before, the nice part about that list is that you don't always need to run the combo.  For example, I was playing against a Tara crew last week, and my opponent was playing very aggressively.  He won Init, and moved Tara out front.  I did Step 1, then double lured Tara in with my Beckoner.  3 Activations later Tara was dead.  He had to play the next 4 turns without his master, which basically made the game a forgone conclusion.


You can really punish your opponent for playing aggressively with that list.  Hold off on running the combo for a few activations and let him move some juicy models forward, than Lure them in and punt HD up the field for the kill.


The real irony of it is that I often use the Illuminated for dropping scheme markers because Lynch/HD/Graves are doing all the heavy lifting.  Go figure.

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So a note on Stiched Togethers:


A Game of Chance actually combos with Lynch's Ace in the Hole ability.  Winning A Game of Chance lets you draw two cards and discard 1, but if the card you discard is an ace you can have it immediately pop back into your hand.  I had to read the wording of Ace in the Hole to make sure when I did it the first time, but the ace meets all of the criteria to get drawn back into your hand.


Also Stitched Togethers just hit hard, Gamble your life is pretty dumb and while the damage flip doesn't benefit from Addict the attack flip can so you can spam 3/4/7 damage flips with no twists of fate.  I've had two Stitched Togethers kill masters in a single turn.


They've become kind of a go to model after only a few games and their creeping fog provides some annoying anti-ranged tech although often it just forces the enemy to focus.  To top it off they're 6ss.  Overall there's very little out of the darkened models I'd actively advise against outside of the Depleted.


The Depleted are, to put it charitably, not good.  If Lynch had problems putting together a decent activation count I'd be more tempted, but he really doesn't.  Lynch can put 8 solid models on the table very easily.  If the Depleted weren't Insignificant or had a way to lose Insignificant I could also see a use as cheap interacters, but as it stands right now they're models that cost you very little and return even less.

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So a bit of a battle report bonanza today - although probably over several posts and hours - after taking part in Euclid's very succesful Fortune Falls event in Livingston. I had actually managed to get another game on the Friday evening against Hoffman but tryting to remember what happened in three games will be quite taxing enough so giving that one a miss for now. I still have the photos so may report on it later.


With some very good players always attending the Livingston events my aim is invariably just to win one game and take it from there. Times where I get a bit lucky and finish high up the listings are always just a bonus to a great day out.  With still being on the learning curve with Jakob that goal still seemed very apt.


Game 1



So after the draw I was paired up against David, who it turned out was also a Hoffman player,


Strategy for the game was Turf War


My Schemes

Bodyguard on the Hungering Darkness

Kill Protege on Howard Langston - Announced


I went with:



-Woke Up with a hand

-Wanna See a Trick

-Rising Sun

Hungering Darkness



Mr Graves



and after the arguments for her here the Doppelganger


David took






Mobile Toolkit

Mechanical Attendent, and

the Guardian.


Protect Territory - announced but I didn't hear the announcment.

and Kill Protegee on the Hungering Darkness (Not sure on this, so I could be mistaken)


This game didn't get past 2 turns as I don't think David was too aware of Lynch and his crew so, quite rightly, was taking some time to read all of the relevant cards throughout the game.





I set up as below, with my other beckoner hiding out on the far right of the table with the intention of trying to lure models away from the turf war marker as and when required.




David set up as below with a watcher slightly to the left of picture.





Turn 1


So after winning initiative on Turn one I activated the Doppelganger who copied Mr Graves Show you the door action and used it on the Hungering Darkness punting him up the field. As she also hit the trigger she was still able to move up the field a little and hid near the large tree trunk in the centre of the table.


David then activated Hoffman and spent some time going through what appeared a well rehearsed routine that I  understood little. It did appear to be similar to his routine in game three reported on here:




Graves then moved forward and again pushed the hungering darkness closer to the centre of the table.


Throughout the remainder of the turn the guardian Joss and Hoffman moved forward on my right side of the table warily approaching the centre line. I lured an illuminated forward in order to get him into charge range of that little group and then also walked the hungering darkness into melee range and hitting the Guardian for some damage and giving him brilliance. Langston wanted to charge at Huggy but ended up terrified of the darkness and getting paralysed for the remainder of the activation. The illuminated then charged the guardian and I think plinked off a few more wounds.  David was also able to drop a scheme marker for protect territory





Turn 2


Winning the initiative again I was able to replace the dropped brilliance on the Guardian which ultimately led to him becoming the only casualty in this game after being finished off by the Hungering Darkness. Joss activated moved, being careful to remain within HD's melee range and put some serious damage on to the Hungering Darkness. Hoffman had also magnetised to be in the centre of the board. Most of my other troops moved closer to the centre of the table. As time was close to being called David decided to run Langston back to his deployment zone, whilst another scheme marker was also dropped.




It ended in a 3-2 loss for me with David getting one point for the Strategy and 2 for protect territory. I got 1 point for the heavily damaged HD bodyguard and one point from the strategy.



The other two games of the day were very different with an extremely brutal 4 turn match up against the viks and a similarly butal quickfire 6 turn game against Von Schill

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