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Deployment and Within

Morgan Vening


It seems like it's been pretty well established in 2nd Ed that unless explicitly stated otherwise, "within" means "partially within" rather than "completely within". Both are legitimate definitions, but the rules make it clear that it's the former that is correct.


On re-reading the section on Determine Deployment, I noticed that it doesn't explicitly state otherwise.


Having played many different wargames in the past, the DZ line was uncrossable. But according to the way the rules are written, it seems perfectly legitimate for me to deploy a 50mm base model almost 8" from the table edge (in standard 6" deployment).


Am I letting a previous pre-conception cloud my thinking? How have other people been doing it, and does looking at the actual rules make you think you've been doing it wrong too (If you had my pre-conceptions)?


This also has an impact on the current beta. In the Ramos discussion, the ability to pull off Turn 1 Planned Manifestation is dependent on moving >6". If this distance is made less because I can start >1" further up the table, it impacts how easy that Manifest is to pull off.

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I am Trying to be very nice :)  see smiley faces and such.  But to contemplate deploying out side of your deployment zone without From the Shadows, to get that extra few inchs to be that much hard core comes out really really....Gamey. :lol:   If some one tried this anywhere near me i would sit down with them and try to understand the thought process of what your thinking. and then probly make fun of them in such a way that everyone including them is laughing and having a good joke about it.

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Oh, I'm not trying to use it as a strategy. I'm just pointing out the usage of terms (re: within), and the way in which it's constructed.


Changing from other systems to this one brings with it certain required changes of mindset (melee no longer being base contact, LOS being abstracted, etc). I just wasn't sure if this was another case of me integrating a previous preconception onto something that doesn't exist.


I'd much prefer that it be ruled as a "completely within", and that's how I've played it all along, but the rules as written leave open the possibility of it being intended another way, and I don't want to screw myself or my opponents by disallowing something that may be written as intended.

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