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Big rulebook

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Complete unprofessionalism of course!


We've made announcements that the book has been delayed, and would arrive when it arrives and that we would beat the drums and send up the smoke signals when it arrives. As it was, I was all ready to beat the drums this morning as I was lead to believe they would be arriving within a day or two as they were on a truck. Go to get an update on its location and find that the product hasn't moved. Go to find out why the product hasn't moved .. everyone shrugs their shoulders and says 'not our fault, customs'. Call customs and get 'it'll get done when it gets done, not our fault'. 


So .. when it's here, we'll holler and let everyone know. Till then it's just one more rumor or false hope.

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Wyrd has stopped giving word on when they should be available, because of the absurd number of SNAFUs in the process.


I get the impression they're sick of people asking, and I'm certain they're WAY PAST sick of people implying that these delays are in any way deliberate.

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Customs (and supplier?) are the bastards in all of this imho. Nathans been saying the same thing for the past couple of months (or thereabouts) and I'm pretty sure he's not dumb enough to just sit on them in his warehouse.


And don't forget the containers have got to get through UK customs yet before distributors get hold of them.


Worth a thought looking for a 2nd printer in Europe maybe?

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I remember reading on the Bungie forums before Halo 2 was released that someone thought 'Bungie are taking so long because they're all just sat around playing it instead of making it.' Lol.


Was anyone aware of the Two Worlds 2 mess-up for 360 a few years ago? The physical shipment literally got smashed up in transit on a cargo ship because the boxes fell over. That reminded me that distribution of the retail goods was an actual thing. Not that I assumed games etc just turn up on shelves but because I'd never given it much thought. Ever since I've had a lot more patience for delays etc.

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