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Leap & Climbable Terrain


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From the FAQ:


Q: A model with the Incorporeal Ability ignores terrain when it moves. If it is on the ground floor of a 

building which is 10” tall, can it end its move on top of the building, even if its Wk stat is less than 10, 
since it ignores the building while moving? Same question for a model with Flight in regards to vertical 
A: No. Although measurements in Malifaux are generally made from a top down view, vertical distances 
are measured while moving a model (see pg. 42 of the rulebook, Movement & Terrain). If the model 
with Incorporeal ends its move on top of the 10” tall building, it would have moved 10” and, unless it 
has a Wk of 10 or greater, this is not a legal move. However, if the Incorporeal model has a sufficient Wk 
stat to complete the move, it would be able to end the move on top of the terrain, ignoring the usual 
rules for climbing, etc. Flight works similarly, except in the case of Enclosed terrain (see Enclosed terrain, 
rulebook pg. 60).


Leap works in a similar way. Correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I can understand: if your model just wants to go from one side of a say 10" wall to the other side, you can ignore the terrain and measure the distance normally from a top-down view. But if you want to land on the top of it, you have to "pay" the price for moving vertically.

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