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Ice Gamin Help


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So I'm brand new to the game. Picked up 2E and I'm loving it thus far. I have Jakob Lynch crew and a small Guild collection.

I'm looking to get another themed set and Rasputina really caught my eye. When I pick up a box I was wondering about the ice gamin. I've heard mixed feelings on them and I was wondering it its worth picking up an extra set of three in addition to the base box.

thanks for the help!

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Thanks for the reply!

Is there a way raspy can summon more? Or maybe that was her avatar version I heard about..

Currently there are no Frozen Heart models in her crew that are summoners. Since one of the main ways to shut down Raspy's blast game to is to destroy her "mirrors", she might be OP if she could replace them.

Even though I "main" Raspy, it is my hope that they do not allow her a future upgrade that would allow her to summon, as it may very well may her too good unless it was aggressively priced.

If there was a one time gamin generation upon avatar manifestation, it might be alright I guess.

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On that note.... how easy is it to shut down her mirrors? Ice gamin are pretty fragile.

Harder than you might think, as if you have line of site to them, they have line of site to you, and if you are saving Raspy to activate late, she can send December's Curse at them as they close in on the Gamin.

Additionally, they have 5 wounds, which is not bad for a four stone model, and have Armor +1, and if Raspy goes earlier in the turn, she can use December's Touch to give them another +2 if she does not need the AP.

Or if the gamin you wanted to mirror off does get killed prior to her activation, she can always use December's Touch use it to give a Moleman, or other non-theme model, Frozen Heart and the armor to for a temporary mirror.

Ice Gamin management will be getting easier upon the release of Wave 2 (at least in higher stone games) since Snow Storm can both offer shooting protection with Middle of the Storm to nearby gamin and move them around with Ice Tornado to get then into and out of firing lanes.

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Shutting down Ice-mirrors does depend a bit on terrain as well.

If you can double walk from out of LoS then into engagement with an Ice Gamin, then you can shut them down pretty easily, as engagement shuts down the use of Ice Mirror. Gamin are also pretty darn naff in melee, so you can stay there as long as you like with little worry that the little blighters will chew your ankles off. Ice Golems, on the other hand would really like you to try that.

On the flip side, if you're in Melee with an Ice Gamin, that also means you're in blast range and Rasputina will then start targetting her own Gamin and going for splash damage on your model(s), which will later include the shatter damage from the Gamin, when it dies to friendly fire.

In 1.5 Rasputina's Avatar had the ability to summon Ice Gamin. It was on a (0) action, required a corpse and I think you needed a 10+ of crows, so it wasn't the most worrisome of abilities for opponents. I fully expect Rasputina's M2E Avatar to allow Gamin summoning as well, though I doubt it will make her into a "summoner".

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Raspi's avatar also lost the blastiness of non-avatar Raspi so Frozen Heart and Ice Mirrors lost their tactical use as much...

One reason I am concerned about getting Raspi is that she is pretty much reliant on those ice mirrors to function. If she is caught in LoS or such she dies...

Gamin are needed to get scheme markers / objectives and be mirrors... they are fragile little things.

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I was thinking of dropping my usual take of three Gamin to two, maybe putting in some mole men or trying a Silent one. As much as I love using them for blasting and freezing, I seem to be getting them shut down or killed rather easily. A Blessed of December would also love to be engaged.

I think it might come down to having less minions on the board but ones that are both ice mirrors for Raspy but also capable of a good few things in their own right. Then mole men for objectives and a Gamin for the (0) action buff, which I sometimes think is overlooked. One hanging by her can be most useful.

I'm really looking forward to the Wave 2 releases for her. It's not that I won't use Gamin, just probably one or two at most.

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Thanks for the reply!

Is there a way raspy can summon more? Or maybe that was her avatar version I heard about..

She could hire a Mechanical Rider. It can fairly easily summon one Ice Gamin per turn. On the other hand, since she can't summon in turn 1, and costs 12 SS, it's going to be T4 before you break even.

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