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The Latigo Posse box, Perdite hit on the head with a Mallet?


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Heya all

I took a look ad the The Latigo Posse box and I noticed that Perdita looks like some one had pulled her hat down over her head and hit her with a big mallet, it looks like she almost has no neck, plus she looks a lot more like Santana Ortega and her shirt looks to have way to many wrinkles.

It’s not a complaint just a observation, I don’t know if anyone else noticed, then again the picture doesn’t show her from the side and the outfit might be some kind of a new family trend :)

Here is the picture for those of you that haven’t seen it.


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Her hat is just pulled down over her head. I'm not sure if that kind of hat is normally worn so close to the scalp, but arguing fashion with a psychopathic demon hunter seems unwise. The new mini makes her look more ****ed off, gruff, and powerful, IMO. I'm still looking forward to the alt sculpt too. They're both great for different reasons.

I want the CCK to steal Francisco's hat so he can launch an expedition to get it back at all costs. A lot of eyes are rolled at the Latigo's mission briefing. Nobody understaaaands me, thinks Francisco.

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I understand where you're coming from. All of the minis so far have the hat sitting to do a good job of obscuring her face/eyes, and this seems to keep up that trend. I like it though. The artwork does show a neck, it looks more like the angle at which the mini is seen and her pointy chin hide the fact that she has a neck. There are a lot of t-shirt wrinkles to be sure, and the mini's mid-section looks more unnaturally elongated than the artwork too.

I think the new Alt Perdy fits more as a pistolero; I hate it as Perdita. Maybe I'd feel differently seeing the minis in person though :1_Happy_Puppet1:

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I have to admit, I like the new standard Perdita a lot more than I did in the picture. I just got done building her, the alt and Santana in the last half hour. And yeah, Perdita and Santana are pretty much identically posed, but Perdita is thicker in every dimension. And no ghoul clawing up her thigh. As regards to P. standard vs P. alt, I think they will be interchangable in my crew, as they are both cool models in their own rights.

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