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Mei Feng's upgrades


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What upgrades are you taking with Mei Feng? Or perhaps a better question would be: when do you use which sets of upgrades with Mei Feng?

I've generally tended to stick with either or both of Seismic Claws or Price of Progress. The former to increase the potential for direct damage and occasionally get that beautiful moment of two victims with nowhere to push away to; the latter because I generally expect to kill a couple of miniatures with Mei Feng and think that it makes a better 1 point filler than an extra soulstone.

My general experience in M2E has been that I prefer to have more pieces on the table (and hence more activations) rather than lots of upgrades and a large cache. I can see the appeal of sticking on Misdirection and a boatload of Soulstones then just jumping Mei Feng into into the biggest mob of enemies that I can find but for the cost I could easily have another Rail Worker, or most of an Illuminated.

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For me Seismic Claws and Vapormancy. I like having a Ca long range melee attack that can also potential hand out blanket burning. Other upgrades depend on my strat and schemes, misdirection can be nice but I generally find the way I use her is that she is out of range for reprisal most of the time anyway.

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I've been running her primarily with Seismic Claws, because it's fantastic and flexible.

Is it wrong to answer with Arcanist upgrades in the TT forum? >.> I've been playing with Imbued Energies (killed: get 4 cards; discard to gain fast) and Philosophers stone (SS+flip to get Wp/Df increase; discard to get 2 cards). Fast on Mei just lets me abuse Seismic Claws more, and the Philosphers Stone gets me some quick defense for a bit, and then on the turn I gain Fast I draw another 2 cards to help get those Tomes and Masks rolling for the Tiger's Claw triggers!

I played with Thunderous Smash once, because I wanted to be able to deal with Scheme Markers better, but I didn't get to use it at all in that game...so it's back on the chopping block.

I'm not certain about Vapormancy. I feel as though, if I'm that close that I have enough other options to choose from.

Price of Progress looks pretty good, but whenever I have the choice between having a 7SS cache and taking PoP, I seem to have the extra SS...so maybe I value it less.

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  • 3 months later...

To me, Seismic Claws seems like the one obvious must take upgrade. The others are all ones that she doesn't really rely on for her playstyle, but can benefit from. 


@Rythos: Have you stopped taking Arcane Reservoir? Price of Progress + Arcane Reservoir could be a great way to keep your hand stocked if you want to maximize her triggers.

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I do Arcane Reservoir "often". I prioritize it when I take the Rail Golem to get the extra chances for tomes. But if I have a plan for the stones, I won't take it - for example, if I'm playing Reconnoiter and want to do 3 Rail Workers+3 Metal Gamin, or if I'm taking Bodyguard and need to tank up Kang or some other specific goal. The budget gets tight quickly in these cases. :)


(also, the above post was written before I discovered that AR was so good! :))

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Misdirection can be pretty amazing, yes it gives her another masks Df trigger but you have options. You can be more aggressive with her with that upgrade and really try and get the most out her combo attacks without so much fear for reprisal. Activating her when your opponents hand is low is key when using her this way.

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