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Thoughts from the mods.


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The wave two beta is in full swing and so far the community as a whole is behaving positively and respectfully. You guys are awesome, thanks!

That said in recent days we've seen a slight uplift in situations where we've needed to remind people to play nice before things escalate. Since tone and meaning are difficult to see in posts on forums, here’s a suggestion to keep the forums peaceful and avoid some of those flare ups which can easily spiral into someone being cautioned.

1. Read other people’s posts generously – this is a global community with a lot of different uses of English, and most posts can be read several ways. Take a moment to think about those, and assume that the writer meant the nicer one (they most likely did).

2. Mentally preface every post with ‘In my opinion…’, since that’s exactly what it is, no more, no less. Everyone gets to have one and express it without it being dismissed or insulted too, no matter how stupid you might think it is.

3. Write posts carefully – think about how your posts could be read and try to avoid posting things that are likely to be read as insults. Don’t post something if you’re annoyed with the post you’re responding to, instead take a moment to calm down first.

4. Imagine you’d have to say your post to someone’s face, not across a keyboard and monitor, and that they’re entirely capable of out-punching you. If you think it would end badly, it’s probably worth rewording.

And two that are beta test focussed;

5. Try to understand that those who were in closed beta may have seen what appear to be new ideas before, but can't tell you the details. Imagine driving for seven hours when the person in the passenger seat wakes up for their stint and points out you missed a turning.

6. Conversely, try to understand that those who weren't in closed beta haven't seen all the stuff that was in there, and haven't had months to find/see combos, tricks, and such. It's like expecting a newer driver to be able to parallel park as well as someone that's been doing it years.

So in summary, write carefully, read generously (this is the big one), and give a little respect. Thanks in advance.

- The Moderators

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6. Conversely, try to understand that those who weren't in closed beta haven't seen all the stuff that was in there, and haven't had months to find/see combos, tricks, and such. It's like expecting a newer driver to be able to parallel park as well as someone that's been doing it years.

It is very frustrating seeing the words 'during closed beta' more than once ;) ... good post Mako on all points though :)

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I just thought I'd bring this to everyone's attention again (and sticky it...because stickies are awesome. ;) )

Remember - be nice and remember that the written word is a very poor form of conveying tone. Please keep that in mind when you're both writing posts and reading the posts of others.

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