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Anybody know how to paint tie-dye?

Iron Heel

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So for reasons burried deep in my psyche, the campiness of the Gremlins which previously turned me away from them is now drawing me in a som'in powurful. I was eyi g the LaCroix clan a little but Mah & Ulix have really tipped the scales for me.

The painting and modeling aspect of minis gaming is on par with the gaming part, so I only want to plays stuff that I would be interested in painting and don't want to expend painting/modelling time on figures that don't work well.

Up until my commute this morning, the Brewmaster held little sway with me. Can't say why, but drunken ninjas just weren't doing it for me (go figure!). But, then on the way to work today it hit me...maybe it is a brew made of psychotropic shrooms and such!

Thus, I am looking to build a psychadelic Brewmaster crew with tie-dyed moon-shroomnobie and a multi-colored shroombrew golem (TM too!).

Never tried this...anyone learn some lessons painting zombie hippies that they'd like to share?

Edited by Iron Heel
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ive never tried it but leaving a blob of original colour in the middle then paint lines outwards in white and add some lines of original colour and white in different mixes along the outer rim of the flowercirlcle made of lines thing. did that make sense?

anyhow thats how id do it if i was mad enough to try ;)

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I would try holding the model facing up where you want the tie dye to go.

water the paint down quite a bit and then blob it a pile. get a small straw like a coffee stirrer or the kind you get from canned air.

blow lightly slightly moving the straw away from center to the outside. That should give you a tie dye look. This is all speculation but I think I'm going to give it a try.

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I've done something vaguely tie-die before. I recommend looking up a pattern you want to do and broadly follow that. I think I also did short horizontal lines to make up a long line rather than just painting a line in one go. Then it gets that shaky bleeding look. But good luck!

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