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[M2E] Tremors and Roiling Ground



I still have only the very first upgrade cards from the beta phase, so please excuse me if the card was altered meanwhile...

Tremors refers to the "damaged model" whilst Roiling Ground refers to a "target model".

Is there a difference between the two or is the Roiling Ground's "target model" the "damaged model".

If not, one could target any model on the table and push it 2" (because there is no range), this makes it very unlikely.

What bewilders me is the added "if the model is in range". I can only come up with a single situation in which the target model would not be in range after the Roiling Grounds: If it is pushed over an edge and falls.

Or does the addition have another meaning (since you could push ANY model, like above?)

Thanks alot in advance for your replies! :)

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I'll need to check the cards for eaxact wording, but the wording in both triggers (from last beta) has no functional difference, as they are both after damaging.

I guess you also might push the model out of sight, so it would no longer be in range. Its possible that was in the beta cards incase melee range or push distances changed.

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