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Plastic Cement question


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So I've seen the posts on plastic cement for the new plastics and so far it's working as advertised. Super strong bond due to the chemical melting aspect of the bond.

My question is does this work with the black plastic bases that come with the minis? Is that type of plastic susceptible to the process or should I just use regular superglue when attaching the actual mini itself to the base?

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It should work for all forms of plastic. I know it will work on bases firsthand.

not sure if its used in any wyrd models, but clear or colored acrylics light games workshop flying stands, aircraft cockpit glass, and others get brittle when you use this and worse with superglue. on acrylics use a white glue like elmers that dries clear. that will prevent it from getting brittle and snapping.

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having just recently assembled all the masters, sidekicks and 2 out of each set of 3 pawns in that box, i can tell you the death marshall is the hardest to put together. for him, remove all the flash lines and do a dry fit assembly with no glue, so you can get a feel for how all the parts link together. I renamed him "captain fiddly bits." otherwise this is a great kit with nice directions and each part is numbered on the frame and on the directions. amazing detail on such little buggars. I use painting one of them as a reward for finishing each half finished painting project clogging up my worktable.

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Yeah I've overwhelmed myself with painting projects. Thanks to GenCon and the Miniature Market 50% sale, in the last 3 days I received:

Tara Nightmare box

Miss Step

Simulacrum 29

Ama No Zako

Willie the Demo

Avatar Dreamer

University of Transmortis


And that's on top of the 7 or so unpainted crews I still had on my table when ordering! What's wrong with me lol?!

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I have regular plastic cement, but my favorite is Plastruct Bondene. It's a liquid with a brush in the cap. You dry fit the pieces together and brush it along the seam. It works its way in via capillary action and sets in about 6-10 seconds. Enough to be able to pick the model up by what you glued on. It still takes some time to fully harden, but you can assemble a full model with it quick and easy and it holds together, even if you drop it. 0.0;

I highly recommend it.

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