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My first showcase thread, Seamus and bonus Showgirl crew


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I just had to get my hands on the old Seamus model, it's one of the best Wyrd has done. Now that the plastics are coming, I had to take the chance. With such a canvas, I just had to try my best.

I present to you, probably the best model I've painted in 15 years.

I've, for the first time, experimented with non-metallic metallic and layering, where I normally just paint to tabletop standard. It was great fun, probably took me about 7 hours (from opened box to finish).





I missed the part where I should have taken a photo from the side, so his bag 'o tricks is visible.

And here is my mainstay crew, Colette and her troupe. These were the first Wyrd models I bought, and have used them to practice my painting. Painting never was my thing, but it's become quite fun.


The fluff says Mannequins belong to the performers and the Coryphée are Colette's and Cassandra's personal (and improved) Mannequins and I wanted the paint scheme to reflect this. They wear the spare set of clothes that belong to their respective performer.




Also took a picture of one of my stolen from my almost finished Hamelin crew. This was mainly to see how they stood up to being in front of the camera.


Comments and critique welcome, especially on Seamus as he has been my practice object. The showgirls probably wont get any more attention, got new crews to paint, but I can take the experience with me.

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that blue is awesome. so rich. if i had to find something to make a suggestion on, it would be the gun hand glove color choice. tan isotoner gloves on a wood stock pistol can lose definition and blend together on the table. I probably would have either gone with black leather gloves, or a much lighter tan like a baseball glove, or paint it as bare flesh.

but like i said, thats really searching for something to give you feedback on. your skin shading and highlighting on the face is very nice as well.

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