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Nagash paints things, then takes pics!


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ok starting this in the painting area, even though most of these will be puppets.

first to the blog is my death marshall. since i have 3 to paint, i wanted one with a nice red pimp hat. next will get brown leather coat, brown hat, and black pants.


i took these pics so late in the day i had to hold the model at weird angles to get natural light.




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  • 3 weeks later...

ok so i've been distracted a bit, houseguest, and painting 5 projects at once. here is a couple pics of death marshall #2 without his coffin on his back.

this one i used drybrushing. its not as clean as wet blending the colors, but far far faster. up close like this you can see the almost chalky feel of the color, even if its brough down by the wash i applied over it. not my best work, but I need to get moving on these projects before all my kickstarter models and game tiles show up in november.


we will see what my painting ADHD lets me finish next, a convict puppet, or one of my half finished projects.


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thanks for the words of encouragement.

going to try and push myself to finish painting my 3 plague drones instead of getting distracted by video games. I used a new method of painting black with highlights and i'm curious if it will photograph well. instead of starting at black and trying to highlight with grey resulting in a harsh line, you start with a deep navy like blue (GW cantor blue) then do 2 layers of grey drybrushing followed with a black wash and a second black wash after the first is dry. throughout the whole process i was thinking "oh crap this looks horrible i'm going to have to redo it all!" and then after the last wash layer dried i was shocked at how much it changed. I used this method on the wings and back carapace. plan to gloss varnish those parts as the final step.

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ok these are not wyrd models, but its something new painted.

for those who dont know, these are demons of Nurgle. Nurgle being the chaos god of decay, disease and death. that is why these are left after the washes and glazes instead of getting a final highlight. i want them to look gross and nasty. as always these are raw huge camera files, so click them for zoomed in view.


this is 2 angles of the unit champion.


here is 2 views of the musician


and 2 views of the icon bearer.

if you look close at the wound holes in the flies thorax, you will see human faces trapped inside.

the riders and flies were the same skin color up until the final step. after the brown wash, the riders got a coat of green glaze, while the flies got a yellow glaze that brough out the browns.

the wings and carapace are a new method of doing a highlighted black for me. instead of trying to highlight true black with grey and getting a harsh edge on the highlights, i started with cantor blue(deep rich navy blue), then did a heavy drybrush of a mid tone grey, followed up with a lighter drybrush of a light grey. last i gave it 2 layers of black wash allowing it to dry between layers. the pics dont give it justice. i really like the way the black came out.




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  • 2 weeks later...

ok another non wyrd models pic. next up will be some puppets. but for today, we have the first 3 of a unit of 9 demons of tzneetch flamers.

this was my first attempt at realistic flame using new washes. after i finish the other 6 to this point, i'll decide if i want to go back in and blue highlight some of the top of the models, or leave it as is and get other models painted. as usual pic is huge, so click on it to see full sized version.


i recently finished an escalation league that gave an award to the best painted army. to qualify you had to play with all models painted in every game. 6 qualified, i took second. sorry about the horrible picture, but here is what my board looked like(we were told to bring all models used throughout the course of the league). I had to scale it down, the pic was over 4megs. missing from the pic is another 10 hounds, the other 6 flamers, and a unit of blood letters i loaned out and didnt get back in time for this.(its ok they were not painted well anyway)


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thanks for the compliments. I call this my demons skittles list. instead of focusing on one of the 4 gods which would create a sense of color unity to the army, i cherry pick my favorite models across all 4 gods. its a great army for someone with gamer ADHD as i can jump from color scheme to color scheme keeping it fresh, yet still work on the same army. on my paint desk are the other 6 flamers that need the gums, teeth, and flames done plus one has a flaming naginata, and a unit of 10 pink demons that are ready for an ink wash. but now that the painting competition is done, i can take a short break from demons long enough to paint some puppets and then get back to them.

I got my wyrd order in, and i'm just starting reading 2E rulebook. will have to work one of my new malifaux models into the mix soon.

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ask and ye shall recieve. i give to you lots of screamer pics. taken with new galaxy s4 phone under a brand new LED "daylight spectrum" bulb in my paint station lamp.

1)post-13722-13911930961015_thumb.jpg here we have a rather zoomed in closeup from a topish view of one of the new plastic screamers. the 3 plastic models have eyes(still unpainted) while the old metal models do not. sadly at this zoomed in, i immediately see a harsh line where the sillyputty i use for masking stopped all the overspray partway up the tusks. good news is on a game table you cant see it.

2)post-13722-1391193096186_thumb.jpg here we have a single old metal screamer. plastic flying stands dont work with old metals, so i made my own brass rod stands with textured bases.

3)post-13722-13911930962852_thumb.jpg the 3 new plastics together. see the clear flying stands. also the one on the left still needs his tongue painted. plan on wet blending from purple at the mouth to red at the tip.

4)post-13722-13911930963735_thumb.jpgmore overhead view of the 3 plastics... i now see a mistake on the center ones back spines, plus i somehow masked completely over them and didnt hit them with any yellow. will have to fix that.

5)post-13722-13911930964818_thumb.jpg and finally the whole unit flying in formation.

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its just the phone itself. but as its a brand spankin new phone. i think its capabilities are better than my old digital camera. 3 of the photos i had to open in paint and resize then by 50% because these message boards said they were too big.

as for the blending, i have to admit these with my first models with an airbrush. as demons they can be as bright and colorful as i want, so i took it as an excuse to play with the airbrush and try out color fades/blends. I also learned silly putty make far superior masking material over regular tape. take is great for lines on flat surfaces..... organic cures, sillyputty rocks. doesnt lift paint, and it leaves no residue.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Lussuria, the Deathwing are traditionally painted in a Bleached Bone and Dark Angel Green robes and red accents. The Bleached Bone is an off white with a faint hint of tan. It looks like nagash13 has kept with the traditional scheme overall. I'm actually impressed with the clean whites, crisp lines and deep shades. Terminators with that much bling are really annoying to paint. Well done, nagash13!

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thank you for the compliments. I just got into work, and i'm not used to day shifts, so it hurts to brain right now. when i get home, i'll review my paint order (i tend to use games workshop paints straight from the pot instead of blending my own shades. I do add matte medium to the paint pots to thin them a bit though) as i write it down on a cheat sheet so future units will match.

these models were the first ones where I used resin bases, and attempted to include the laser cut paper leaves. I'm glad i bought the pack of 5 bins, each a different type of leaf with varying colors. the original plan was to use them in the netting on scratch built ghillie suits for my scouts unit. but i like the feel of them on the bases.

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