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Friendly models within X" - include self?



Do abilities that state 'friendly models within X"' include the model itself? For example Chiaki's ability to heal friendly models within 2" for 1 Wd at the start of their activiation, would she heal 1 Wd at the start of her activation? Since she is within 2" of herself...

Another quick question while I'm at it...we're using the beta rules so you get two attacks after a successful charge, can these attacks be split between different targets, assuming you have LoS to both and are within melee range?

Thank you!

Edit: In fact I have another question; we use a lot of walls for scenery, about 1"-2" high and quite thin, but we can't seem to find out what kind of terrain these should be in Malifaux, we're not sure if they should just count as severe terrain, or if they should have to be scaled. What kind of terrain do walls usually count as? Thanks again!

Edited by Frostwolf86
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Charge: "This model then takes two Range :melee Attack Actions against the target model."

Since you declare the target of your charge, the targeting gets inherited by both of the :melee attacks resulting from the charge.

You can define terrain anyway you like!

Well that makes perfect sense! How about with Izamu though? Since he gets (+1) Melee Expert, he can make an additional attack after charging right? Could I direct his third attack at a different eligible target?

Would still like to know the answer to my first question too if you have any insight into that :)

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Aura's always include the model with the aura, unless otherwise stated (but pulses do not include the model it originates from).

And yes, a model with Ml expert that charges can target something else with the third attack.

Edited by Sevorin
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Aura's always include the model with the aura, unless otherwise stated (but pulses do not include the model it originates from).

That's good to know, however Chiaki's ability doesn't have the pulse or aura icon, so I don't think it's either of those. It's just an ability that states "Friendly models within 2" of this model heal 1 Wd at the start of their activation".

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