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4M Wrap Up


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I have to say on a personal level if I'm back next year (put me down for a place now) I wouldn't try to achive the way I did this year. My second day was so much different to the first but it was much more fun to naturally get achivements in games then engener the situation which I spent second day doing.

At the end of the day though however it all went down I think everyone had fun and no one felt shafted.

On a side note I didn't like singing achivements (sorry Mitch)

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Thinking about it, with the group of players that came this weekend and pretty much any others currently in the community, a clause in the rules pack that says something like

'players should only record achievements that occur through natural game play, rather than ones that occur due to gentlemans agreements'

would probably suffice, play in the spirit of the event not the letter.

Plus I'll probably remove a lot of the more gamey achievements and make more focus on getting crews to do things

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Springing the captured models from jail could also be an option like it was on one of the scenario maps.

I like this idea. More food for thought perhaps we could have a prison table for each faction where the attacker was trying to get prisoners back.

---------- Post added at 03:30 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:29 PM ----------

Also you mentioned on the podcast about the terrain. I am pretty sure you could ask people to do themed boards or each person to do one piece of terrain for each thematic board.

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Thinking about it, with the group of players that came this weekend and pretty much any others currently in the community, a clause in the rules pack that says something like

'players should only record achievements that occur through natural game play, rather than ones that occur due to gentlemans agreements'

would probably suffice, play in the spirit of the event not the letter.

Plus I'll probably remove a lot of the more gamey achievements and make more focus on getting crews to do things

I think this would work.

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I'd echo what Nathan said: I much preferred going for achievement competitively rather then having an agreement (though i confess to doing that as well). My favorite game I think was against Clouseau trying to kill Justice with the Emberling. I largely ignored the claim jump focusing on getting the kill, but it was far more fun - for it not just being agreed to happen. So I'd aim to play that way next time anyway.

I also like the idea of capturing masters /unique and either ransoming them off or having there faction trying to spring them. Possible a rescue type scenario, featuring similar mechanics to the Mine board until the alarm is sounded. Mei died in the last game, but if she'd died in the first I'd have been frustrated

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Sounds like you all had great fun. Definitely an event I'd consider going to.

For the dead masters, how about this:

If a unique model is dead at the end of the game, flip a card:

Weak: That model has been captured by the opposing crew and must be ransomed back before being used again by your faction.

Moderate: That model is badly hurt, but will survive. They will start the next game they are used in with half wounds. You may spend 2 SS to gain full wounds during the "hire crews" step.

Severe: That model has healed fully and can be used as normal

Black joker: That model is captured by the opposing team. If they are ransomed back they will enter the next game on half wounds.

Red joker: That model has healed well, and the carnage around them has re-charged one of the dead soulstones they had on their person. The next time this model is used, their controller gains to extra soulstones in the "hire crew" step.

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Sounds like you all had great fun. Definitely an event I'd consider going to.

For the dead masters, how about this:

If a unique model is dead at the end of the game, flip a card:

Weak: That model has been captured by the opposing crew and must be ransomed back before being used again by your faction.

Moderate: That model is badly hurt, but will survive. They will start the next game they are used in with half wounds. You may spend 2 SS to gain full wounds during the "hire crews" step.

Severe: That model has healed fully and can be used as normal

Black joker: That model is captured by the opposing team. If they are ransomed back they will enter the next game on half wounds.

Red joker: That model has healed well, and the carnage around them has re-charged one of the dead soulstones they had on their person. The next time this model is used, their controller gains to extra soulstones in the "hire crew" step.

It's a nice idea but in practice too many variables will be hard to keep track of, especially with the semi-chaotic nature of the event. Over the weekend a severe or joker killed a unique minion, a joker killed a master. Just altering this to being captured rather than killed should be enough.

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I agree with Nathan & Pete, the best games were the ones where you worked for achievement

One of my personal love / hate moments was spending 3 full turns setting up for the purifying flame to kill aSeamus, only to black joker the flip

Well that and blowing grandma Ortega off the top if a building

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