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Whats it like Earthside ?

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Without any NDA breaking information the main book of Through the Breech currently has quite an expansive history leading up to the first breech, the closure and events all around. There are around 20 pages detailing this before it goes 'through the breech' and describes Malifaux in detail (the city itself, districts, slums, places of interest...).

It still focuses on Malifaux mainly, for obvious reasons, but it certainly has more information than we have previously had as well as compiling the snippets mentioned and scattered across the books.

It certainly is shaping up to be a huge amount of fun!


while I like the idea of earth side games as much as the next guy earth side games would be rather mundane compared to Malifaux. Average people only gain 'powers' when they cross the breech and without soul stones would not be able to use them earth side.

it could be done, just not sure how it would compare... May end up being Malifaux lite, all guns and no zombie hookers! :)

Edited by Pagan Wolfe
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