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Question on suits/casting


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So I read through the rulebook and Wednesday night me and a couple of my friends are going to start actually playing Malifaux (Lady Justice Vs Seamus, very excited). I have a question that is a bit embarrassing but I need some clarification on.

I read somewhere in the rulebook that I needed to keep track of the number and suits.

For a spell such as Lady Justice's Combat Prowess it states that the power effects a target model and one friendly model per Ram in the casting total.

So for simplicity sake lets say she flips an 8 of Rams when attempting to cast. Does that count as 8 Rams or only 1 Ram because it is only 1 Ram card? If it counts as 1 Ram and I used a soul stone and flipped another Ram card it would allow me to target a total of 3 models?

I'm sure it seems like a silly question but I thank anyone who responds anyway.

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Its not a silly question (and one i have brought up twice in the main rules clarity threads as needing a basic example for new players). Its each 'card' that has that suit. So in your example you flip an 8:rams and (if) she has a :rams in her Ca stat then she would have 8+Ca stat and :rams :rams as her Duel Total. If she declared a SS use before flipping she could add a :rams to whatever she flipped giving her (three) :rams :rams :rams.

I hope that made sense. :)

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Not wishing to confuse you, btu both the answers where based in V2, where as your question was a V1 question. It doesn't change the answer in that you add your stat (In this cast 5:rams) to your flipped card. If you flipped a 8:rams you now have a total of 13:rams:rams which means that the combat prowess can effect the target and 2 other models as you have 2 rams. (They aren't targets of the spell but still gain the melee expert as long as they are within 3" of the target)

In V1 you can't spend a soulstone to gain a suit, but you can spend a soulstone to flip an extra card, and this is done after you have flipped the first card.

So say you flipped a 3:rams you would be at 8:rams:rams which is not enough to cast the spell. You could cheat from your hand, but you like that you have 2 rams so choose to spend a soulstone instead. This then means you flip another card and add that. If yuo flip a 4:crows then your final total is 12:rams:rams:crows which means you have cast the spell (since it requires 12:rams) and can target 2 extra models as you have 2 :rams in your final total.

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