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Kombatfaux: A Ten Thunders painting diary.


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Since I picked up Malifaux literally a week before M2E went public the miniatures I had were no longer a legal crew, as the riflemen who were the blasty heart and soul of the crew aren't represented in 2nd ed yet, I decided I'd paint another crew to play M2E games with from the models that already have rules, I didn't see much I was crazy about in the Guild and I really love wyrd's plastics, so I'm working on a Misaki crew to tide me over until the Ortegas get a plastic kit.

I currently have the Misaki box, and the Oirans. Being a gamer of a certain age I have some very fun memories from the old Mortal Kombat games, I know they're still cranking out new ones with 500 new characters but the old ones just have a special place in my heart, my plans are to paint all of my models that match any of the classic characters in those characters costumes, starting with the Oirans.

Most gamers of a certain age should be able to tell what I'm going for here with this first WIP shot.


I didn't notice the mold line on the one girls leg until I took this picture, but that'll get fixed before I do much more with them.

I'm experimenting with a workflow based on airbrushing on a preshade and using watered down Daler Rowney inks like watercolors, I'm happy with the results so far.

C&C welcome :)

Edited by MadBobby
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You're looking at my Kitana, Mileena, and Jade.

Sub Zero is going to be the Torakage with the giant intimidating blades. I have a few more layers of paint on these but I'm finding faces, particularly tiny recessed faces difficult using this watercolor method I'm experimenting with, I might just have to go back and do the flesh tones in a more traditional acrylic medium.

Edited by MadBobby
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  • 2 weeks later...

The first layer of inks on Misaki herself. Thought I'd share a little of the process. The inks don't photograph well without a matte varnish, they're very glossy on their own, but you get the idea of what's going on here.


When I was putting all the models in her box together and I got to the Torakage with the chain weapon perched up on one toe, I decided that this crew was going to be the measure against which I considered anything else I owned fragile whether I wanted it to be or not, so decided to go for broke and mounted misaki to her base at about a 30 degree angle so that no part of her is touching the ground, her foot that's supposed to be balancing her on the dirt is actually close to a cm above the substrate. I've never tried to paint a plastic model suspended by a single toe before, it's a new kind of challenge, but damn she looks cool mid-aerobatic-nonsense-attack.

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Dangit Madbobby I was going to say they are Kitana, Mileena, and Jade, but you had to say it first. I'm an MK hor myself and suggest you try the newest MK for sure. It a great fighting game with all the old characters, and better moves and graphics. It helps us get into the new game by keeping the old feel if that makes sense. As for your models well there awesome...I love MK. Although I hate when people post unfinished models so you lose Kredits for that.


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Nighthater- I have a habit of documenting progress, I mean no offense. I'll have to find a copy of the new MK and try it on somebody's console, I haven't had one in years.

Lussuria- Thanks for the kind words, I'm really enjoying this painting experiment, it's really fast and fun, the transparent medium layers and bleeds together in such a way that you can get some very cool effects with very little effort, the inks are also very reasonably priced considering I haven't ever had to use more than a single drop of any one color at a given time.

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