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Adventures in mediocrity


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Current project until I get my hands on the next set of beta rules, or the core book. Getting my khador painted finally.


Got the colours figured out, just need to add white where the airbrush couldn't get then start touch-ups before washing. The gold is a little intense right now, but it'll tone back after a wash. If it still doesn't look right I'll either go with a darker gold or switch to a copper or bronze. If I was smart I would have left the arms off until he was painted.

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So did some tests with my wash after having to start repainting the kodiak (on the bright side got his arms off).


Left is straight wash, middle is 1:1 water/wash, and right is 1:1 pledge:wash. Looks like the pledge mix is the way to go. Its a little touchy, but it works pretty well over all. Need to get another dropper bottle for the pledge so I can mix it easier. It also smells nice.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The painting contest was dropped, but I did manage to get her 99% done before it.


It could still use some highlighting, and I need to figure out how to get her a little more secure to the base. I may need to completely strip the model and modify the flame to allow a pin easier. If I do end up repainting it, I'll likely do a more traditional fire since it matches her colours better.

Also did up my Guild Captain.


This model is more an inside joke than anything. Anyone who has followed my league thread or my post on the TTB forums know that Mr.C is a recurring character. The real Mr.C approves of his mini form.

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Taking a break from batch painting Winterguard. Now on to an equally repetitive task


Need to at least get the box done, but may go for everything. Tuco finally showed up so likely doing him as a break between the Hamelin crew. Why the Hamein crew, because screw popular vote.

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  • 2 months later...

Been in a bit of a hobby lul. Had planned on painting up my Seamus box for the facebook group, but doe some reason I could not get bases to mold right and didn't have enough time to paint anything. Was also planning on painting up my Tuco for Rotten Harvest, but just couldn't get motivated to paint. With wave 2 out in the open hoping to get some more games in since a large part of my collection and many of my player's is now playable. Once I get a better feel over what I like in this edition I'll probably start getting more Malifaux painted. Right now I have a pile of Sisters of Ba..... Adepta Soritas based and primed. Need to at least get a troop choice painted up by the end of the month for the best painted category. Also got that Seamus crew primed and based so probably paint them as breaks between the Sisters.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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