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Faction Specific Achievement Lists


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Hi all

I'm currently working on lists of Faction Specific achievements for the 4M tournament I am running in July and could do with some help. I don't have enough knowledge about all the factions to be able to to do this myself so thought I would see if the experts have any suggestions.

The sort of thing I am thinking of are

Resser: Love him: Playing as McM, keep the Chihuahua alive for the whole game 5 points

Arcanist: Sharp Pointy Teeth: Kill something with Hoarcats 10 points

Arcanist: Sucker for Punishment: Use an Ice Golem!!! 5 points

ANy and all sugestions greatfully received

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The Old Fashioned Way: Play a list without using any spells. 10 points

Right Between the Eyes: OHKO an enemy non-totem model at full health with Hans or a Freikorps Trapper. 5 points

The Neverending Story: Playing as Leveticus die every single turn of a game. 5 points

Nuclear Stench: Deal 10+ damage in a single "Pull My Finger" or "Swamp Gas" action. 5 points


All in the Family: Playing as Marcus hire only in-faction. 10 points

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Hello Dolly: Have Colette turn 3+ opponent figures into Mannequins (bonus points for doing it solo; no thank you Mr Ramos, we do not need a chaperone to this dance!)

Monster Mash: Summon the Rogue Necro and at least one Flesh Construct.

Big Girls Don't Cry: Kill an enemy Master or Henchman with Nekima.

Bad Boys: Bury 3+ enemies with Pine Coffin.


Duelling Banjos: Finish the game with at least double the amount of friendly Gremlin models than when you started.

Yeah I got songs on the brain. Sorry.

Edited by Borzag
Thought up another song
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That reminds me of one we had during our last slow grow...

Made it to retirement: Hire a Desperate Mercenary and have them live to the end of the game.

That's a really good one :)

What about "Underdog - Have a model kill an enemy model that costs at least double the ss value."

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Army of the Desperate: bring 4 Desperate Merc

Miners Strike: only bring Union Miners, Soulstone Miners (and maybe Molemen?) and never bury a model.

Join me: Kidnap (the scheme) a Family member with Tuco.

Move along, nothong to see: Engage an enemy minion with at least 3 guardsmen

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Still can't think of a name for this one, at the moment I'm favouring:

Snakes on a plain (get it? Not a "plane", but a "plain") - Hire only Razorspine Rattlers

So while we're on bad film puns, how about:

"Enter the Mei-tricks" - Cast every one of Mei's spells during a game.

"Ron-in-ception" - Have a Vik Die and return through a ronin 3 times during the game

"The never-born ultimatum" - Haven't thought of what this would fit yet.

"Game of stones" - Would work for outcasts (Viks) and Arcanists (Collette) end the game with more Stolestones than you started with (note: if you call them "soulstones" at any point during the game, you lose this achievement).

"Kung fu Pandy" - Have Pandora kill stuff with melee attacks

"Peep show" - Play with your hand open all game

"Tinker tailor soldier Kirai" - Use a list which leaves your opponent with absolutely no idea what's going on for the whole of the game, with as much model swapping, healing, wound taking, and general shenanigans as possible.

"Gangs of New Pork" - Take an entirely pig list (with aSomer)

"I'm a filthy cheating swine" - Use drain souls

"Around the world in 80 obeys" - Cast Obey 80 times over the course of the weekend (this might have to be a faction wide achievement, or possibly make it "in 8 obeys" for 1 game).

That's all I can think of for now. There must be more bad puns though

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