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Prediction for 3 masters in 2e book 1

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I just wanted to see if my facts were straight and my reasoning is correct I predict that the 1st 3 10t masters will be Misaki, Mei Feng and Lynch with the brew master crossing over from Gremlins and there is a chance Misaki will be dule faction outcasts.

My reasoning behind this is it will give all of the factions 4 playable masters. Guild will have the 3 from book 1 + McMorning, Ressers will have the 3 from book 1 + Tara

Archanists get the 3 from book 1+ Mei Feng

Neverborn get the 3 from book 1 + Lynch

Gremlins get Sommer, Ophelia, the Brew master and Z

10T get the Misaki, Mei Feng, Lynch and Brew Master

and Outcasts get Levi, Vics, Tara and I reccon either Misaki or one of the Gremlins

What do you guys think

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This was my exact logic as well, although it maes book 2 a little tricky to figure out.

I also believe that Misaki will gain Dual Faction to the Outcasts. It is possible that Som'er will be Dual Faction though, as he is one of the original three outcast masters.

I was expecting that Book 1 would be a core introductory set, maybe like that, maybe more closely resembling the original book 1; the rest of the original book 2-4 pieces would not be released in main books (either just cards or cards and faction books, or some sort of big compilation tome); and book 2 would continue with new releases...

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