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Yan Vs. Colette


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I'm about to have a big 35SS game against Colette. Since I just picked up Yin and Toshiro I am thinking about running Yan Lo. So what is everyone ideas on crew selection for slaughter or movement type games. As well as what schemes everyone who plays him has been taking. Looking forward to giving him a roll. General thoughts for early mid and late game strats would be great... Thanks

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Soul Porter



3 Ashigaru

Keep the crew within range of the buffs as much as possible, get the Ashigaru to put up Wall of Steel every activation, use Yan Lo himself and Izamu to target anything they can, in particular the Coryphee Duet, Cassandra and Colette herself, even if it just forces your opponent to burn stones to keep those three alive. Watch out for Mannequins setting up a companion alpha strike and remember that killing a lowly Performer will give another Showgirl within 4" Reactivate (most often the Duet or Cassandra). As long as you have corpse counters, Yan Lo can bring Izamu back (even if he's been turned into a Mannequin), plus Toshiro can use conflict tokens to summon more Ashigaru or Punk Zombies if you have a good place to drop them. Aim to get Yan Lo to level 3 paths in Bone (to make him hitty) and Ash (Rigor Mortis can ruin Colette's day).

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Always, ALWAYS keep a tomes in hand for Izamu. Yes you can resummon Izamu but only IF he is sacrificed within 8" of your Reliquaries. A savvy Colette player can and will teleport Izamu to the other side of the board, THEN turn him into a Mannequin or just laugh as he tries to hoof it home back to Yan Lo.

If you are playing slaughter, 9/10 Colette is going to ignore/strand Izamu and kill your other stuff by dividing and conquering. Deathball tactics are nice and all but Colette is a master that is specificly made to dismantle deathballs. In all honesty I would run more mobile minions than Ashigaru because the only real way you are going to be able to win is if you pin down Colette. Which you wont be able to if doves and showgirls are running rampant giving her jumping points.

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I would say, keep in mind also that Performers will often be going for objectives. with a wk5 and little else to do that's not overly situational, they will often head for a sabotague site, or something and wait for Colette to bounce in to interact then bounce away. Killing them might give something reactivate, but it could be worth it to take away a jumping point from Colette.

In an outright slaughter scenario though... they will probably just be escape pods. So kill them, especially if you are able to get them singled out so they can't reactivate something. Maybe bring along a Belle to make use of lure? Showgirls have to be within 4" of Colette to get her wp bonus.

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It may be fun to run Molly and 3 crooked men to spam paralyze all over the place at least once Yan Lo gets far enough into his path to get Rigor Mortis. You could also send a Shikome after Colette, crazy mobility, immunity to slow, and poison could cause her fits. Come to think of it, can Colette trigger blinding flash off of WP?

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