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Jumping down and Movement



Scenario: a model climbs a 2" wall that is at best 1/2" wide at the top and then opts to jump down for free.

Question: when the model is placed at the base of the wall is the lateral movement required to clear the wall included as movement?

This is for a model with 5" movement so if the movement is included the model has moved 5" climbing and crossing the wall to jump down. If not then the model has 1" of movement left correct?

If the model only had 4" movement would its move end at the top of the wall or would it get a free 1" move from jumping down?

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No, it isn't counted in that case. Normally, yes, it is, but when the distance on top of the thing climbed is smaller than the width of the base, it just gets absorbed. Part of climbing is that when you're done climbing, the model is placed right on the edge of the top of the terrain directly above where it climbed. So in this case, you'd have 1" of movement left.

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The problem with Jump is that it's a (2) action to move 1/2 Wk. That's too much. It should be a (1) action.

Game designers seem to frequently underestimate how bad 1/4 speed is. I've seen it come up in a couple different wargames, and players always treat it as impassable. (in fact, in one case an opponent whined about how it was worse than impassible, because one of his units fled into 1/4 speed terrain, and then had to spend an entire round walking out of it.)

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