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Alternative Ronin figures?


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Well, the build your own model packs from the Through the Breach Kickstarter are promising, but we won't be able to lay hands on those until September or so (August if they'll be for sale during GenCon).

Any female model with a gun and a sword works, or any female model that you give a gun and a sword to anyways. I have two packs of the original Ronin, so variety would be nice to have, instead of having to just paint them differing colors.

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I don't know if these ladies here were only available for the kickstarter for this game, but I think that the union and outlaws models would be perfect for ronin. The game is called Wild West Exodus BTW.


All of them look perfect as Ronin. So far, I think they were only part of their kickstarter, but I can imagine that they'll show up on the secondary market, once they've been released to their backers. That, or they'll take them as Con exclusives, and we'll still see 'em get resold.

The models look great. I haven't watched how to play. But the prices for the levels of the kickstarter put me off. I'll just have to wait until they hit store shelves to see if I want to buy in to at least picking up a few of their models.


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Just wondered whether anyone had any ideas on where to find susitable models to use as Ronin?



so i guess the answer is yes, there's plenty of choice out there :1_Happy_Puppet1:

thanks for your responses..just got to decide which figures

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Also, there is a new miniature game coming out, Wild West Exodus. They have a set called "Ladies of the West" which are female gunsmiths. They also have several mercenaries that are female :D


if you scroll through their kickstarter page, you can see a lot of the options. I would have posted just a picture, but they had all of the photos linked together in one long chain. lol

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