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Willie the Demolitionist thoughts and opinions and questions and such's.


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Hey, I popped on to see what people thought of Willie and apparently not a whole lot! Haha, so I figured I'd throw out the line and see if anyone bites...

Things to keep in mind:

1) I am dumb.

2) I am noob.

3) I am very biased because Willie opens up an absolute trove of puns of a certain stature...

I really like Willie, but I kind of want to know how the more seasoned players feel. I am also not sure how much of what's on the card I am within rights to post so yeah...

I like it a lot that he is just six stones and can lob his good stuff even without LoS and his Dropped Load and Wheel barrel of doom abilities are a ton of fun, but soon I am competing in my first tournament so I am curious where the competitive line gets drawn on a model. Like Willie. Thanks for all your knowledge!

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I love Willie!

I use him as an objective grabber / board control / mobile teleport homer for my Union Miners.

His Set Charge is phenomenal at stopping people from moving into areas. He has a good Wk of 5, and his Dropped Load makes it so you effectively get to make 2 walks and an attack (at multiple models). As a MS&U Member I can have my Union Minors unbury near him so they can grab objectives.

(1) Short Fuse + Fire in the Hole [Demo Charge] is hilarious!

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Willie is really really good.

Basically as long as you can stop him from getting shot, he's going to be worth his points (either in damage caused or making your opponent nervous). All of that blast damage is great for getting around people who have high defense or nasty defensive triggers (yes Lilith, I'm talking about you).

My number one nasty trick suggestion is: place a dynamite marker in front of willie, so if it blows up it'll hit a few enemies, then have him walk forward and cheat in a tome (if you don't flip one) to blow it up. Willie will take 1 damage (he's got armour against things like that) and enemies will take 3 (unless they also have armour or other tricks). Then when they kill willie (to stop him doing it again), he'll blow up and deal out another 3 damage (potentially in a big chain of destruction.

Very fun to use, but also very powerful (unless he gets shot at range, watch out for 10 thunder archers, gunsmiths, and most of the guild). He's also pretty fast, so it's not hard to get him where he needs to be.

... now if you don't mind, I'm going to go and put my Willie on the table, and have a blast (Wyrd have no one to blame but themselves)

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I love him. He's one of the fastest M&SU members, so he helps to spread around the union miners.

sssk's advice is sound, though I say go big or go home. Cheat that black joker you've been holding in your hand all game, so the :pulse 5 does 2 damage to willy and 5 damage to everyone else.

Don't forget to use wheelbarrow of doom for another 2 :blast for 2 damage, though those produce df->12 duels. Wheelbarrow of doom isn't likely to hurt those notorious def 8 masters, but its very potent against lower def. Willie is my secret weapon against pandora and lilitu.

Another huge feature of willie is that his demo strike ignores armor and object. When I'm likely to see izamu, willie comes out to play.

Edited by Clevelander
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The demonlisionist is a top model for certain things. He is great at putting out blast damage and pulse damage. He is good at dealing with models when you don't have line of sight. He is good against Armour and Object as well as elements with Hardness. He is pretty nippy for a human.

He is not so good against Friekorps and other blast and Pulse ignoring models. He is relatively fragile and likely to be targeted by a fast model if your opponents crew is vulneable to his strengths.

Use him if you want board control and area effects. Use him if you're playing against Supply Wagon. He isn't an auto pick regardless of mission, but I'm happy to have him on the bench ready to be picked. He has the advatage that he is much less likely to kill him self than any of the other dynamite wielding maniacs and so you are probably going to get a good return from him.

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sssk's advice is sound, though I say go big or go home. Cheat that black joker you've been holding in your hand all game, so the :pulse 5 does 2 damage to willy and 5 damage to everyone else.

Just a small and commonly missed point. You can't cheat in jokers (well, I guess you could cheat in the red joker and choose to make it a tome, but it would only do the tome explosion, not the joker one). The wording specifically says "if the original card flipped is a joker... (it does massive damage)". Cheating in a joker isn't the original card flipped, so doesn't work.

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I love playing with my willie. :)

seriously though, he's a great board control model that is as dangerous dead as when he's alive - and he seldom dies alone! Don't be too eager to throw him away and he'll reward you again and again. When the time comes for hium to die (and it will!) make sure its in a loud and gratuitous manner - its what he would have wanted!

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I played w/ my Willie twice last night & he was instrumental in both of my well laid plans. In the first game he laid down two evidence markers & killed the railworker holding the treasure counter in turn 6 (Right before eating a jackhammer kick to the sack). Then sabotaged a building & was in my opponents deployment for turf war at the end of the game.

Gotta luv ya' Wille!


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Thanks sssk. How very odd. I must have missed that in my dynamite laiden glee.

No worries. I think most people glance over it. I did for quite a while.

I've only managed to joker the blast once. It won me the game in one fell swoop (killed Nix and a ton of other Hamelin stuff in turn 2). I laughed heartily.

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