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Shas'la Sharpshooter Reposted In-Faction (tweak)


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[Reposted in-faction for Guild SS cost]

Shas'la Sharpshooter

Fire Caste, Rare 2.

[TABLE=class: cms_table_grid, align: left]


















Rail Rifle

Rg 16

Cb 6(Ram)

Dg 2/3/4

Fire Caste Armor: Bulletproof 2.


Guerrilla Fighter: Enemy models treat this model as Ht 1 when attempting

to draw LoS to it.

Weapon: Rail Rifle

This model may not make Strikes with this weapon during an activation in

which it makes a move action. This weapon ignores armor.

"The Kau'yon never covered hand to hand!": This model may not take a defensive stance. When this model is the target of a charge or melee strike, its defense flips recieve a [-] flip.

Competitive Shooter: This model has Animosity [Hans, Nino].


(2) Patient Hunter: This model performs a ranged attack which ignores cover, obscuring terrain, and intervening models when targeting.


Cb ((Ram)Crow) Headshot [Rail Rifle]: After hitting a defender with a

Rail Rifle Strike, do no damage. Kill defender unless its controller discards 2 Control Cards or 2 Soulstones. Only models with the Use Soulstones ability may discard Soulstones.

Cb (Ram) Critical Strike [Rail Rifle]


(0)Networked Targeting Matrix:

(cc:10/rst:--/Rg:c) This model ignores any enemy spell or talent that affects LOS.

I came up with some character profiles to use my models in Malifaux and my buddies asked me to come to the forum and ask for a SS cost before I used them in our games.

How much should this cost?

Thanks for the help!

Edited by AtomicKeen
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Beside the point that I think it is a strange model you want to bring to the game (fluff wise it is both a different universe and a different time period), I would also go for a higher SS cost than the maximum of 8 that is in the current poll. The long range, combined with high damage (Critical strike with included Ram) or Head Shot, high cb (with "In My Sight") or the ability to pretty much ignore LOS. Armor ignoring of top of that and Scout.

The headshot trigger is especially critical as you would normally not have a lot of models which include this. With these models being rare you could include two of those together with Nino and get a lot of high CB attacks with auto kill (cards/flips permitting).

Great defensive abilities (sit next to a wall and they can´t target you ("Guerrilla Fighter"), and Armour plus Bulletproof.

I would probably put the cost in 9 or 10 stones and maybe put a suit requirement on the spells. You might also want to change the (1)Patient Hunter Action to a (2) Action wich includes a single strike action (otherwise you have a great model for obey (mis)use).

If you really want to use those models, why not use them as proxy for some of the other guild models like Guild Rifleman? That way you don´t risk screwing with the game balanbce and at the same time you will not hear of any complaining from your gaming buddies ;)


The tricky part about making your own rules for models is you quite easily break the game balance. When doing this if one really wants to go down that alley is to make a "bad" model. meaning you bring an over priced or under powered model. That way you make sure that the only reason you bring this model is because you like it and not because it brings something that the game have already restricted in terms of game-balance.

I have seen it before in other games and it usually doesn´t end well unless the new model is seriously underpowered or overcost. But that is just IMO. Friendly games are a bit of another alley as goofing around is a bit of a different game experience :)

Edited by Thaarup
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I run the Guild Riflemen as regular Fire Warriors. My 40k army is Dieselpunk themed (the human element is all WWI British/WWII American) so the story goes that they slipped through a Breach in the Warp and crash landed in the badlands of Malifaux. I've been mostly playing McCabe (as a guy in a battlesuit) with Von Schill (as a Commissar).

Would you suggest dropping these guys down to Rare 1? I have them rare 2 because they really are kind of glassy when you get down to it. Yes, Bulletproof 1 and Guerilla Fighter, but what I've seen in Malifaux is that combat and casting rule, whereas shooting is relatively weak. And to match their race's fluff, they are terrible in combat and will be hacked to pieces very quickly.

I'll update their profile with your suggestions. I'm looking to make a very melee breakable sniper unit at around 7ss.

Additionally, I wouldn't be using any named characters like Nino Ortega or Hans. A couple of these guys with less buffs, boosts, triggers and abilities will be my replacement. I'm trying to put together a small friendly list to use my stranded Kill-Teams against my friends, who run Ressurectionists and Neverborn.

Edited by AtomicKeen
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So is copyright infringement for crossing over models between game systems when not owned by same company. Sorry if I come across harsh but at least make some effort to change name/abilities of said model so its not a guarented cease and desist or lawsuit.

Also for his abilities and such as well as whats already inheirant to existing models in the faction he is very hard to place at a cost proper to his abilities as well as potentially rare 2 for his stuff is a no go. Nino plus 2x of him is a npe in that 3 discard or die triggers and your opponent has no hand and it only costs 19ss to use the combo.

Edited by Odin1981
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As it seem it is only used with friends, I dont see any lawsuits coming up ;)

I run the Guild Riflemen as regular Fire Warriors. My 40k army is Dieselpunk themed (the human element is all WWI British/WWII American) so the story goes that they slipped through a Breach in the Warp and crash landed in the badlands of Malifaux. I've been mostly playing McCabe (as a guy in a battlesuit) with Von Schill (as a Commissar).

Well, fluff is always a difficult subject as it really depends a lot on your point of view. Bringing in aliens with future weapon and equipment (malifaux time plus 39.000 years) should make it a no brainer that a few tau (not even considering the crisis suits) could kill off all resistans with little problem.

The next thing is Tau is not Guild and I would have a feeling that with the current mental state of 19 century human beings it would not go well (remember in real world this was the time of strong discussions about Darwinisme and human evolution, the fear of "the yellow man" and so on) they would not be easily allied. Tau would not belong in any of the current factions.

But then again, this is for friendly games only, so if your friends are okay with it then...what ever rocks you boat ;)

The easist way (and the most game balanced one) would be to just use Guild, and proxy all the members. Use the sniper as Nino (and or Hans) with all the correct rules.

Would you suggest dropping these guys down to Rare 1? I have them rare 2 because they really are kind of glassy when you get down to it.

I would not call them glassy. Armour 1 and Bulletproof combined with guerilla fighter makes them pretty tough to kill with shooting and ranged magic. Armour also helps in melee and against magic.

Yes, Bulletproof 1 and Guerilla Fighter, but what I've seen in Malifaux is that combat and casting rule, whereas shooting is relatively weak. And to match their race's fluff, they are terrible in combat and will be hacked to pieces very quickly.

Shooting is really not weak in Malifaux. It depends on the factions (and crews).

I'll update their profile with your suggestions. I'm looking to make a very melee breakable sniper unit at around 7ss.

Additionally, I wouldn't be using any named characters like Nino Ortega or Hans. A couple of these guys with less buffs, boosts, triggers and abilities will be my replacement. I'm trying to put together a small friendly list to use my stranded Kill-Teams against my friends, who run Ressurectionists and Neverborn.

Why not just use them as Nino and/or Hans then? They fit the profile and you don´t run the risk of breaking the game balance?


I had a look at the new edited firewarrior. It still looks like a better version of Hans (better cb, better defensive ability against LOS, easier to cast (0)Action and so on), and he is a 8 SS (9SS for Guild), so if you really want to use this model as a cheaper sniper I would recomend looking at the Freikorps trapper and try "building" the rules around that one instead.

Otherwise a few suggestions could be

- Change the cb Ram suit to Crow.

- Decrease the cb to 5 again.

- Put a suit on the (0) action.

- Change Guerilla fighter to something else.

Generally if you want a cheap sniper look at the other cheap snipers out there and try "copying" those.

Good luck ;)

Edited by Thaarup
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I dislike everything about this. It seems more like you couldn't be bothered to support Wyrd and buy the models but still want to play their game...

But have fun I guess..


Its funny, I came to Malifaux to escape 40k after witnessing its decline for years.

I can't stand their prices, their models, their fluff, their rules and the fact everything is simply a way to get more money off of you. That and the game mechanically needs a major overhaul IMO.

Anyway, long story short, OP, why don't you buy some of the official Wyrd models and have fun playing Malifaux?

Its a great game, and one of the reasons I love it so much is that its incredibly cheap to play compared to 40k. For around a £40-60 investment you can be up and running and having 35ss games.

This entire idea is stupid IMO. Tau don't belong in Malifaux in any shape form or fashion. If you want to play 40k, play it, if you want to play Malifaux, play it. But the two should never be crossed over IMO.

What next, Dwarves mining Soulstones? A Tyranid Hive Fleet appearing above Malifaux? Astartes liberating the planet in the name of the Great Crusade?

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I dislike everything about this. It seems more like you couldn't be bothered to support Wyrd and buy the models but still want to play their game...

But have fun I guess..

I'm buying Wyrd models. Rasputina, Zoraida... I sure as hell don't support GW, and never will again (I have an Apoc army 80% made of small company, nonGW models), but Wyrd is a great company with talented sculptors and good rulesets, so I will obviously give them money. I plan on Misaki, McCabe and Yan Lo purchases soon.

Edited by AtomicKeen
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