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Best Guild master ...

mcmourning san

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Venturing off topic with this one but...

Against ortega's (ie the good ones not the entire crew) stitched due about nothing unless they have been hit by a madness first.

I wouldn't say Stitched Together do nothing against the Ortega's, they throw up a wonderful obscuring aura that can shut down the Ortega's pretty cold unless they venture in or Alpha Strike with initiative.

I would also say that Pandora (even in the hands of an average player) is closer than implied (though definately one of the more balanced encounters in the game).

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Obey, walk into melee swing or flurry depending on model with a wp 8 when stubborn fransico doesn't mind, i2i perdita gunfightering doesn't mind after a walk or two. Stitched our a pain if you all gunline don't get me wrong but I believe the best guild lists are combined arms so they don't get hosed against obscuring effects.

If people base their lists around a gunline yes they will have issues against at least one crew from each faction if not more in the game. But personally I would hate to play any guild list regardless of said master that is based around pop pop bang.

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Except Perdita will lose Immune to Influence when with in 12" of Pandora thanks to The Box Opens and then her Wp is only 7. Throw in the :-fate flip from Project Emotions: Pity (which of course will be cheated and soulstoned until sucessful) and all of a sudden that Stitched Together has a real good chance of removing an Ortega or two with Gamble Your Life (and with the extra Wound from Emotional Trauma even Santiago with Hard to Kill functioning falls to severe damage).

Killing Pandora in three shots will be difficult as she can always Martyr a Linked Sorrow (or three) and Prevent Damage via that large Soul Stone Pool she'll have.

Also the Stitched form a rather effective wall against melee/ranged strikes for the crew even in the turn they are killed (since they aren't Sacrificed until the Resolve Effects Step). Francisco's Flurry may help insure he kills one of them but it also limits him to only performing melee strikes on that one model (no matter how dead it gets or if it dies in the first hit).

Dont get me wrong it isn't a cake walk for the Pandora player (like it can be against some crews) however the two crews really do counter each other rather well (especially with the addition of the Stitched Together).

I believe the best...lists are combined arms so they don't get hosed

In this we definately agree, thankfully the Guild can pull these off very nicely.

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