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Malifools Episode 32 - This isn't the show you were looking for


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It was all planned out nicely. We were going to have a Lost Love special with a couple of the participants on the line, talk about crew selection etc. We even recorded it, or rather we talked and the recording failed. Apologies to Dave and Ole who gave up a couple of hours of their time just to end up on the cutting room floor (or rather the non recorded floor).

So what you get this week isn't the show that we planned.

What you do get is a long interview with Dave Munro (@thadrinbb) about the Malifaux scene in Sweden as well as the event he went to recently, along with a little bit of the usual silliness from Jon and I.

We discover that Henchmen aren't infallible when it comes to the rules and that you should never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line - or get into a terrible music competition with the Malifools.

You can find out more about Malifaux in Sweden at http://malifaux.se

Next week will be the Introduction to Malifaux for New Players show and then we should all be back in two weeks time to regale you with stories from Lost Love.

Get it at all the usual places.

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Listening now, and Dave is correct, I am laughing at the abuse. To be fair, part of the request for trivia questions specifically said that many/most of the people attending were GL listeners/fans.

I also love the fact Mike gets to correct a henchman on a bad rules call. It's a long road from the early Malifools episodes!


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