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Any players in the Ct area inthe U.S.?


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Hello I've been playing since book 2 dropped but I have actually only had a few games in that time it's been tough to get friends to play and was wondering if there were any players in or near Connecticut. I'm looking to branch out and play with more people. If anybody is in the area I was also wondering if they could recommend a flgs where there might be some players ?

Edited by P.Kersey
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Sent you a PM. I play in Manchester a fair bit at the Time Machine. We're doing a themed tournament this upcoming, that you may have an interest in: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?38862-Right-Man-for-the-Job-a-themed-tournament

Not too many malifaux players at the Battle Standard anymore unfortunately, as I've seen (though it would be nice to see something going on there as well :D).

Edited by brdparker
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hey Kersey,

I live down in fairfield county and am just getting started. I heard recently that there may be some people at Flagship Comics playing on Wednesdays in the near future. Shoot me a DM if you're down my way.

Hey! I play at Flagship Comics, it's my main LGS, and there definitely is a new Malifaux clique brewing there! There is a large Warmachine contingent, but a lot of that crew (me included) has begun to adopt Malifaux as their secondary game. The night that is starting to stir for Malifaux is looking like Thursday. Wednesday tends to be a WM night; which is why we are pushing for Malifaux on a different night. Definitely come up! I have been trying to push it on Thursdays myself, as there was a Hero Clicks crew that has diminished, and Thursday is open for a game to take over.

So hopefully looking forward to meeting you guys there! Flagship is in Southington, CT on Queen St., if you need more info PM me...


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Hey, thanks man! I'm a buddy of red headed Stephen's the Press Ganger, I definitely want to make it out to play. I've got a WHFB tournament in a month, may be painting a whole army between now and then. If I am, I won't be around, but otherwise I'll try and make it out one night!

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