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New Player but Old Gamer (Lynch)


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Hi there guys a little about me first,

I am a long time player of WHFB having played with Orcs and Goblins for 13 years (I never want to paint another Goblin however hence my faction choice) and truthfully I never really found that second army that I have been looking for so have decided to try another system.

At the end of the month the LGC will be starting a new players league for Malifaux, having stalked the models for roughly a month I have decided that I would start collecting Neverborn with Lynch as my caster (looking to add Collodi and his Dolls to the collection later) as a result I have Ordered

Dark Debts



Mr Graves

Mr Tannan

Here is what I am considering for my first few games so that I can get a handle on things and decide where and when to expand.

Lynch - Cache 2(4)

-Hungering Darkness

Beckoner - 5SS

Depleted - 4SS

Depleted - 4SS

Illuminated - 6SS

Illuminated - 6SS

I'm currently looking at converting a 3rd Depleted model so that I can run a tar pit of 3 at my opponent and hope to bring out the Darkness from one of the three models that die in melee. For this I will probably drop both Illuminated for Mr Graves and the 3rd Depleted leaving me with:

Lynch - Cache 3(5)

-Hungering Darkness

Beckoner - 5SS

Depleted - 4SS

Depleted - 4SS

Depleted - 4SS

Mr Graves - 7SS

Not really sure what the next phase (30SS) is going to include I will probably have to have some games (thinking 8-10) before I make some decisions

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Welcome to malifaux and to the neverborn. The models you have are a good starting point for a lynch crew. You'll soon find, through playing, which of your models suit your style best, and then how to expand your crew.

Lynch has the advantage of being able to run as a neverborn master and a ten thunders master, so you can take your crew in more than one direction.

From my own games with lynch, I've found that I always want to start with hungering darkness in play, and to give lynch as many soulstones as possible - never less than 6 and usually 7-8 instead. He seems to need them!

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Thanks for the welcome and for taking the time to leave some feedback, I have spent most of the day reading the pullmyfinger.wiki for Neverborn and Ten Thunders and have successfully confused myself by wanting a great deal of models from both factions lol.

Why do you find that Lynch needs so many soulstones, is it the way you use him or the opponents that you face?

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When abouts are your gaming nights? Some of us from Harrogate could come over and discuss options with you guys!

As for soulstones, well, I would never reccomend a master running less than 6, bar a couple, and whenever you have 2 soulstone users on the board (in this case Hungering Darkness and Jakob) you should try and max out! Especially for protecting Jakob, as if he goes, Hungering Darkness goes!

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I love using Lynch. I run Neverborn most of the time but as of late I've been playing Ten Thunders, so Lynch is right there in the middle of all of the action from my end of the board, quite often.

Personally, I like more to use Lynch as a Neverborn master in Brawls, and as a Ten Thunder master in Scraps, due to the amount of choices given to the card shark. I generally enjoy pitting him alongside Pandora in the case of a Brawl, because his models (namely the Beckoners, HD, Mr. Tannen, and occasionally the Illumnated) will cause more than a few Wp duels. I might consider dropping Mr. Graves from time to time in lieu of ranged hitters like Tuco, or possibly a merc of some sort (being someone who doesn't use mercs outside of Jack Daw and Oiran, I'm not sure on which one being the *right* call), if I were you. Graves' lack of Melee Expert makes him a fairly worrisome mark for Kill Protege in a case where that applies.

In Scraps, I find that the mobility factor of the Thunders is exactly what Lynch needs. an overall Wk/Cg of 5/8 is *okay* most of the time, but to optimize it, I love adding some Torakage to the mix. Tannen will greatly benefit from this, being dual-faction.

Don't forget that you have a whole faction to choose from, including dual-faction models. I like Kang in place of Graves, because Kang is resilient to no end, and also is a beast in Melee (plus he has a ranged attack... If you want it at the time).

Honestly, beyond Kang or the Tora-swap enabling the Tannenbomb, there isn't much of a discrepancy between the two factions when you call them. That said, going Neverborn allows you Kidnap and Reclaim Malifaux, both of which are pretty simple schemes, while going 10t means you have Infiltrate Malifaux (difficult as you don't often have many dual-faction models in the Lynch mob) or Save Face (which is very much situational). I often prefer the Neverborn schemes to the 10T schemes though I prefer the 10T models to the Neverborn selections for Lynch. It's all up to your preference.

By that token, there *is* one more choice to make. That is, whether you start with HD or not. HD has so many uses but the scheme you may take when you have him to start is not nearly as easy to take as the one you may take without him. Spread the Light is difficult especially against swarms of models (hello, Hamelin!), and while it is optimal if you know how to control a crowd well enough, I'd it's more rooted around Slaughter than crowd control.

Read 'Em And (Weep), on the other hand, is great if you want to be proficient in hand-sculpting. It's a great scheme if you're playing with Stitched Togethers or want to make extensive use of Dead Man's Hand, and you still have the scheme even if you bring HD in later on (which, with Depleted, is a good bet). However, again, the thing that matters here is if you value starting HD over having Read 'Em And (Weep).

There is a lovely tactica on the board pertaining to Mr. Lynch; I suggest you read it (and weep? XD). It's quite thorough. :)

Hope this helps a bit!

~Lil Kalki

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At the moment I am not in Leeds (work commitments on South Coast) although I am aware of a small group that meets most Saturdays in Rawdon (just past LBA) I can put you in touch with a couple of players there.

What would you suggest dropping in order to get Lynch/HD cache up? I could do something like this:

Lynch - Cache 5(7)

-Hungering Darkness

Depleted - 4SS

Depleted - 4SS

Depleted - 4SS

Beckoner - 5SS

Beckoner - 5SS

But not sure how well it'll go down with two Beckoners in a beginners league..... they seem pretty powerful

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Ok so looking at going to 35SS as the next step for which I think that I will atempt something along the lines of this, while re-re-re-reading the entry for The Depleted on pullmyfinger I notice that along with Brilliance these models also give out burning tokens on wounded models so I though that I would include Iggy as he is the only other Neverborn who utilises burning tokens and a couple of Sorrows to soak up damage that Iggy could take.

Also I assume that I can target these Sorrows giving them Brilliance so that I can push my Depleted towards them if required?

Lynch - Pool 6/8

-Hungering Darkness

Beckoner - 5ss

Beckoner - 5ss

The Depleted - 4ss

The Depleted - 4ss

Iggy - 6ss

Mr. Graves - 7ss

Edited by Miasma
Wrong Minion
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Dont lock upp your crew and try to make the "best" crew there is. Always take into consideration what faction/master you will face and what the strategies/schemes are.

And try to spread out the models you choose to bring. Huggy will act as a heavy beatstick, and Lynch will support him with getting cards to your hand.

One beconer is always good to place out brilliance, and one depleted if things ****s upp and you need huggy on the table again.

After that keep your mind open to models that will win you the game. Slurrids can be perfect objectgrabbers, Waldergaist can support good aswell if you play with forests, Stitched together is a awesome model and good synergy with lynch if you dont meet constructs, The twins if you need to kill stuff in a slautghter or Turf war. Collodi can also be a good choise in a object grabbing mission, or as a assasin. The options are endless.

And always keep in mind, what will a a model like Illuminated bring to the crew? (I find then terribad myself) What will Mr Graves bring to the crew, he will push the crew in different directions, but in combat he falls fast. Mr Tannen is a good support champ, but the give him something to support, like Stitched togethers.

If you have a team made for the strategies/schemes that you will play, and what you will face then you have half the game won. Thens its upp to you how you play and how well you flip.

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a desperate merc with lynch is a great combo. turn 1 hd does the light inside and at the end of the activation phase do feast or famine on the merc for 1 dmg to get frantic then set the bomb off by giving it reativate with hd on another turn and watch the merc take down whatever is in his path and at the end of the second activation fades into the brillliance sunset.

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T4ngo, thank you for your insights however at the moment I have only a few models to make a crew from as do the other new players in the group and am wanting to try other minions from outside of the Dark Debts and Lynch's immediate crew (Honey Pot) but I take your advice in board and when my collection develops I will pay more attention to the advice given about other minions (if I like the models)

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Having spent a lot of time playing Mr. Lynch recently as both Neverborn and Ten Thunders, I can say I've pretty much never regretted having two Beckoners on the table with him. For his Honey Pot crew (Depleted, Illuminated, Beckoners, Graves, Tannen) they are in my opinion the most flexible of his minions. Board control and spreading brilliance are great. They're fast and can use their (0) to gain extra movement if positioned correctly, keep brilliance going more than one turn, and when facing brilliant models are extremely hard to kill. The one thing I don't get with them is a lot of damage, but that's what HD and the Illuminated are for anyways.

In summary, definitely consider that second Beckoner. As Malifaux is a game as much about flexibility as raw power, bringing another flexible model is a decent choice.

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