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New to this crazy awesome world, stuck on a choice, help me oh wise ones!


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Hey there,

So I have been playing tabletop games for a while now and I have known about Malifaux for quite some time and I think I may have finally gotten a group to get into it. I have been looking over crews/playstyles/guides/models and everything I could soak up for a couple of says now and have come to a but of a choice.

At first I was sure I was going to go outcasts...but, no matter what I found myself looking at neverborn...specifically Jakob Lynch and Collodi. Jakob seems way too awesome and I already like him...but

I reaaaaally like Collodi from the model, to the lore to what I have gathered about his playstyle. It's the puppet thing, I get all giddy. However, I am not sure if I should jump right into getting him first. I tend to like a bit of a challenge when it comes to playing and learning the game and realize since he is a Henchman and has a weird playstyle that sort of fits. My problem is while I like a challenge, I do not like getting stomped right off the bat over and over again.

I have no issue with losing, but when I can't learn anything from it, it makes me very sad indeed.

So basically, my question is this, should I just go ahead and go for Collodi and some add's to the box or would I be better off going for something like Jakob in the beginning?

If it helps any the only masters I know of that I will likely see right away are Lady J, Seamus or Kirai and the Dreamer unless minds are changed

Thanks for taking the time to read and possibly answer!

Edited by Domoto
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As henchmen go, collodi isn't that hard to learn to use, and will happily sit alongside any neverborn master. Possibly the biggest problem is that his starter box will only go up to 17 stone games, and that is with Collodi having full cache which I don't think he needs.

So you will need additional purchases. Stiched together are good, and can be used by Jakob even if he is 10 Thunder. Or you could just go and buy Jakobs box as well and use them both.

Collodi is certainly competative as a leader, and I don't think is hard to grasp his basic tricks. I would probably say he is more straight forward than Jakob and the hungering darkness, but I don't have much experience with/against Jakob yet.

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Wow, thanks for the quick responses!

Well, as for going with Collodi I was going to get the box, Stitched, Weaver Widow, Teddy( even if he can only come by WW summon...I love the model anyway!) and a Mysterious effigy (I know Arcane effigy seems to be said a lot but Mysterious model is my favorite so far) so that I have enough for 25SS

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Well, I am definitely glad I didn't get any Doom n' Gloom about mentioning Collodi, so I went ahead an ordered His box, Stitched, Weaver Widow, Mysterious effigy, Teddy, 1.5 Rulebook and the plastic Puppet Wars cards (I couldn't help it on those XD) down the road I will definitely look into the Brutal Effigy, thanks for the responses and the advice everyone

I look forward to joining you beyond the Breach!

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