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Steampunk Tarot Deck as Fate Deck


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If you're going to cheat fate, after all, why not go all the way with a tarot deck. Use the Minor Arcana (minus the Pages) and two of the Major Arcana as your Jokers.

I found this Steampunk Tarot deck at Books a Million the other day:

Before opening it, I'd considered using the Fool as the Black Joker, and finding another suitable choice for the Red. But after seeing the cards, I went with Death as the Black Joker (far more appropriate, really), and Temperance as the Red.

The artwork is stunning and the book with it is the size of a novel.

As far as suit alignments go, for Malifaux and traditional cards (with a few mnemonic devices):

Wands are Tomes are Clubs (Magic).

Swords (to plowshares) are Spades are Crows.

Pentacles (sometimes Coins) are Diamonds (riches) are Masks.

Cups are Hearts (both overflowing) are Rams.

The conversions between suits were much easier to picture thanks to the Retro Fate Deck's merged suits. Thank you once again, Xander.

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Nice! How do the other cards look? Wonder if the suit and number are easy to recognise. Guess the Fool will be left out the deck?

Very nice cards!

Yeah, no Fool for the fate deck. I couldn't pass up on that imagery of Death as the Black Joker.

Suit and number are very easy to recognize. It's just a matter of translating them into the Malifaux suits. I'd initially guessed as to which ones should be which, then looked up a tarot to playing card suit conversion chart only to find I'd been completely right, thanks in no small part to Malifaux's use of the suits and Xander's hybrid suits.

Maybe I'll post a few pics of the other cards later.

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