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Proposed Totem/ Fixing Molly.


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I wasn't sure where to put this so if it's in the wrong place, I apologize. I also don't know how to make the suit icons so if someone could help me out there that would be great. We all know that Molly is not the best henchman out there, and a lot of people have been talking about how to (fix) her. A few of the people in the local meta are talking about making up rules for novel models, either to add to the fluff or to fill holes.

I propose a Molly-specific totem that is a Horror and will help her with her duties as a standalone master. Molly is very suit heavy and also has limited summoning ability, this model aims to fix that by improving her hand variety allowing a summoning option or two.

[Molly Totem]

Insignificant, Totem, Undead, Special Forces (Horror)

Wk/Cg - 4/- Ht-2 Wp-5

Ca - 4[C] Df - 3 Wd - 5



Summoning Apprentice: This model gains Ca+[C] when casting Undead Construction

Arcane Reservoir


(0) Link


(1) Instinctive Extension: (CC: * /Rst: * /Rg: *) - This spell may be cast only once per activation. Cast one of the connected Master's (0) spells. This spell may not be used to cast Whispered Secret During this casting, this model may use a soulstone to change its starting total.

(2) The Ultimate Taboo: (CC: 15[C][T] /Rst: - /Rg: C) AR: Sacrifice this model This spell may only be cast if a Rogue Necromancy was deployed on the board at the beginning of the encounter. Summon one Rogue Necromancy within 6" of this model.

Is this cheese? I don't really think so but I came up with it... Should I add anything? Is there something that I am missing?

Also, if it's not cheese, I do not feel comfortable assigning a Soulstone cost to a model I came up with. What do you guys think the cost of this totem should be?

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It's essentially worth a Rogue Necromancy. In Molly-led crews, her hiring choices are pretty limited - Rogue Necromancy's really the only strong unit she has, and it dies quick. In 80% of games led by Molly (As few as they are), she would've hired a Rogue Necro.

Plus, Rogue Necromancies are Rare 1. If this spell went of, the model would be sacrificed, and if a Rogue Necro was already present, fizzle and die.

Her regular Totem's Magical Extension being used with Whispered Secret is kind of a normal thing, too. I remember I tried her in a game with Mortimer. Copied Exhume, and had her Grave Spirit cast it every turn as he really wasn't doing much else.

The idea is there, but it's much too powerful for a totem. A 5-7SS minion? I'd go for that, to act as a Rogue Necro ressurection.

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It's essentially worth a Rogue Necromancy. In Molly-led crews, her hiring choices are pretty limited - Rogue Necromancy's really the only strong unit she has, and it dies quick. In 80% of games led by Molly (As few as they are), she would've hired a Rogue Necro.

Plus, Rogue Necromancies are Rare 1. If this spell went of, the model would be sacrificed, and if a Rogue Necro was already present, fizzle and die.

Her regular Totem's Magical Extension being used with Whispered Secret is kind of a normal thing, too. I remember I tried her in a game with Mortimer. Copied Exhume, and had her Grave Spirit cast it every turn as he really wasn't doing much else.

The idea is there, but it's much too powerful for a totem. A 5-7SS minion? I'd go for that, to act as a Rogue Necro ressurection.

That's the purpose of this totem, to improve Molly as a Master while not making her overpowered as a henchman. The Grave Spirit casting a spell that Molly has stolen with Whispered Secret is an awesome combo (and IIRC doesn't cause Molly to lose the spell.) However, I did not want this model to be able to cast Whispered secret, which is a (0) with its Instinctive Extension and steal a spell all to itself. I don't want it to just be Grave Spirit + X,Y,Z. I want it to be a Molly-specific booster.

The idea was to have it improve her suit-restrictions, both by casting Undead Construction without needing the Crow trigger and with Arcane Reservoir, as well as a way to revive that Rogue Necro which always goes down easy. I didn't want to be able to summon one for free, hence the caveat in The Ultimate Taboo which only allows it to be summoned after the one you start with on the board has died.

Also for it to "cast one of connected masters (0) spells" I believe it has to be a totem. That being said, this model is far too powerful to merit even 3 soulstones. Is there a rule against higher costed totems? I tried to make it weak with Df 3 and Wd 5 without even a measly HtW 1.

I'd settle for a 4 soulstone-totem. Maybe give it Htw 1 and the Belle characteristic for 6?

---------- Post added at 03:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:31 PM ----------

Most of Molly's crew leading problems could be fixed by Horrors and Belles having some better options than Sybelle and the Necromancy for a heavy hitter.

Yeah, but I sort of like the fact that she has to take pretty terrible models. I didn't want to make a new Horror or Belle.

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Yeah, but I sort of like the fact that she has to take pretty terrible models. I didn't want to make a new Horror or Belle.

If she could get better models then we wouldn't keep trying to find ways to keep bringing back the Rogue Necromancy every time somebody tries to fix Molly. If she had better models she wouldn't be completely screwed once her zombie chimera goes down. Most other henchmen don't have overly great model selection, but are far better at supporting those models. Collodi easily has the weakest model choices, but he supports them very well. Lucius also has fairly weak model choices, but can utilize them greatly. Von Schill, Ophelia, and Kaeris all have great model selection for how those crews will play. Molly has Belles and Horrors, which leads to a crew filled with support models lead by a support master. If the crew had more to support than the Necromancy and Sybelle for damage dealers then she would lead crews far better.

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For me, i think this is a mildly uninteresting answer, just re creating a copy of a dead model later in the game. But that is just my personal opinion :)

However, due to how the Rogue necromancy gets summoned, after turn three or 4 generally with this (i would guess, he dies easily, but it takes time to get in place to die:) ) And he is summoned so arrives slow, and after taking half WD loses a lot of its threat, it is not to bad imo, for maybe 4 or 5 SS, but i do think something like H2W or Hard to kill would be good on it to make it have more of an undead feel from the rules. But if you think it may be to hard, perhaps make it a 16 to cast, so needing a 12.

Also i assume here "Summoning Apprentice: This model gains Ca+[C] when casting Undead Construction"

The +[C] is + Crow?

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Ultimate Taboo is rather under whelming due to its very low success rate (and lack of ability to increase it with Soulstone Usage) and dependance on both having initially hired a Rogue Necromancy for the crew and it having died. Additionally, it will be rather easy to kill off due to the Low Df, wounds, Ht 2 and lack of defensive Talents (Link will also make this model a juicy target for :blasts). I would recommend dropping that spell.

With just the benefits of Arcane Reservoir and Summoning Apprentice I would say this is a pretty solid 2 SS model.

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