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Uncle Adary's workshop


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Since I started working on my Malifaux models, I think it's time to start posting some photos :)

Here are first WiP shots of my Rasputina crew (note: bunch of mold lines weren't scraped, I know, these are pure tabletop models that will be handled a lot. No need to invest too much :))






C&C always welcome :)

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cool stuff you got there!

looking forward to some more pics (better ones - with background that doesn't clash with minis)..

but I really like what you did there.

are there any more minis in the plans?

Lilith crew is all washed and scraped, and I will probably start working on it tomorrow. Winter storm, Silent one, December Acolyte and Essence of power are slowly making their way to me :)

General plan is to get everything in Arcanists range, and then slowly start getting everything in Neverborn range :)

As for proper pictures, I want to wait for the snow to dry, and then I will take photos of each mini in this crew in a proper lightbox. These were just quick snaps straight off the work table :)

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Nice stuff! I really liked the pastel colours you had at the start on rasputina, was a bit surprised how much they changed by the end, but then realised they worked well and had a bit more kick than I'd expected.

What's the snow made of?

I started off with a pale rasputina, and in a fit of inspiration added some purple wash on her clothes. After I really liked it, purple was the obvoius choice for the sash and the boots (not to mention my wife's subtle input). I really liked how it came out in the end so I left it a bit darker :)

Snow is army painter snow flock, mixed with pva glue and water

---------- Post added at 03:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:41 PM ----------

And the final photo is here :)


all C&C welcome

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Finally I got back to this crew (after being sick for almost two weeks with a chest infection that effectively prevented me from touching anything to do with paints, thinners, airbrushes and such), here are the bases still in WiP, and finished (sans the water)



---------- Post added at 08:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:38 PM ----------

One last shot of the models primed and attached to their bases :)


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Real live really likes to take it's toll on my dedicated painting time, and since that last little update I had exactly zero time to paint. That is why I decided to share some of my older works for your viewing pleasure (some of you who visit WAMP might have seen these pieces already). Albeit these are not Wyrd miniatures, I hope you will like them :)

Trone of Everblight by Privateer Press:


Ellen Stone by Reaper:


Hayden by Hasslefree Miniatures:


Woldwrath by Privateer Press:


Tiger II Ausf B. ambush scheme, Revell 1/72


Ayu Beat by Sodapop Miniatures


There are many more if anyone is interested :)

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