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Recommendation help on two masters for a pair of new players


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Hi everybody!

I'm new to the forums and to Malifaux overall. My fiance and I have started getting into board games over the past year or so. Tabletop war games have always looked fun, but neither of us want to blow all the cash to get started on something like Warhammer. Not only does Malifaux have a relatively low buy-in cost, but it has some great mechanics that I think we'd enjoy.

Since we're just trying to get into the game, I was hoping you folks would be kind enough to recommend a pair of masters that will not only be relatively easy to get started on (though I am fine with a learning curve on a master), but, more importantly, will be pretty balanced when playing against each other without any additions. I'm okay with getting maybe one additional blister for each of us but we really want to just start with the box sets ideally.

The master(s) she's interested in:


The master(s) I'm interested in:





Maybe Hoffman or Leveticus (though I understand Leveticus is not very beginner friendly)

If anybody could recommend some good pairs based off of her desire to play Lillith or the ones I'm interested in trying out, it'd be much appreciated. Also, if there's a pair that you really like that doesn't involve anyone listed here then I'm still all ears. I tend to not like the Guild very much but starting on equal footing and having a fun time with our starter boxes is really the most important thing to me.

Thanks again everyone!

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For a like for like power level, the Viks are proably the closest, I however would recommend Seamus. The models are fantastic and the box is good to go without any additions whereas with the Viks you'd probably want to ditch Bishop in favour of a couple of ronin. The Viks and Lilith are also similar play styles (both walk up and hit things) whereas Seamus would offer something a bit different. I also use the Raspy box set a lot and love it but it is an acquired taste and benefits a lot from additions.

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Lileth is a good starter box and play style.

You will probably want to pick up a blister of Young Nephlim to go with it as the terror tots are capable of growing into the Young Nephilim. Its not essential to have them to play the crew though.

Of the others you have listed I'd offer a word of warning over Hoffman and Leveticus in that their starter boxes are of a much lower point value than lileth, so you would probably be wanting to buy more for them to try and balence your starting games.

I would probably recomend either the Viktorias or Seamus from what you list. Rasputina is a nice box, but the crew is quite slow which will make some stratergies very hard. That can be solved with buying other models, or agreeing to not paly soem missions with her if you struggle.

Ramos isn't a bad starter set for learning, but it really wants you to buy an electrical creation as well. Ramos is slow, but the figures in the box are a little faster. If you buy this you might want to look into magnitising the steampunk arachnids to alllow you to field a combination of 6 spiders and 2 swarms. Otherwise assemble them as 3 spiders and 1 swarm.

I hope you find the game enjoyable and which ever 2 boxes you get work well for the two of you.

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I would actually consul the opposite. Seamus will be at a severe disadvantage against Lilith. Seamus is not going to have much that can actually hurt Lilith at all, and keeping her locked down and out of the game is something Seamus' box will also struggle with.

I opposite your opposite... :)

In my experiences with wives playing, your losing or at least coming very close to losing is an excellent means of them playing the game again...

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I'm making the assumption that they are of equal skill levels, and as the OP made the point in his post:

but, more importantly, will be pretty balanced when playing against each other without any additions.
Emphasis mine.

Balance wise, assuming Lilith will be one of the two boxes selected, and assuming the other should come from the list of masters the OP is interested in can you honestly suggest another box that is of equal balance to Lilith's box?

Rasputina has a few issues, not the least of which in her box the Ice Golem is severely overcosted, and while Raspy will be a good challenge for some strats she will be at a severe disadvantage in several because of her crew's speed.

Viktoria has similar play style, certainly, but will be different enough that each will still have a distinct style of play, and both boxes play very well out of the box. Additionally strats will be of approximately equal difficulty for both Masters.

Seamus has a low SS Cache, and his best abilities are negated by being in melee, which is where Lilith is going to want to be. His crew also has no punch whatsoever, aside from Seamus' gun, which is easy to get around. Again certain strats might be a good balance between the two, but Seamus will be at a disadvantage in several.

Ramos has many of the same problems as Seamus crossed with Raspy. His Box is a better and more equal to Liliths box, but as a master his Cache is low, and you are going to need extra models to be able to use Ramos as well as he can be used.

Hoffman I can't comment on as I don't play him, and hardly ever play against him, but from what i understand you are going to need a supply of extra models to use him effectively.

Leveticus is not especially user friendly, as he breaks alot of the rules of malifaux, even more than the Vicktorias. Power Level he's a good challenge for Lilith, but again to use Leveticus you need more models then just the box to use him as he was designed to be used.

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Thanks everyone! I suppose I was shooting for equality just to give us the best foundation to learn on. That, and she tends to be really good at these sorts of games so, as much as I like the looks of Seamus, I don't need to give her any more of an edge than necessary, haha. So for an additional model for each of us I'm gathering that Young Nephilim for her and Ronins for me would be a good idea if we go for the Viks Lillith combo?

To open things up a little more, are there any combinations you guys are fond of for two new players to use ignoring my listed preferences? If so, what's your reasoning?

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Raspy is a lot of fun to use. You'll be wanting to pick up some more models so you can do more with her, but she is a great crew to start learning with. Blessed of December, Silent One, Essence of Power.

If you get Ramos I highly recommend picking up the mobile toolkit. A buddy of mine uses it all the time in our games and it's a pretty nice addition.

I think that Seamus will make for some interesting matches.

I recommend checking out http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com for a more in depth breakdown of the masters.

Edited by SuperDudeMan64
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In terms of combos, anything with the Freikorps box set is good for a beginner. It's an easy army to use with a lot of good synergy and it's not very complex (simply stay together and blast away). The Viktorias aren't bad for a beginner either, as others as said as long as you realise they can be quite squishy. As for Leveticus, I started with him (and Von Schill) and I didn't have too many problems. Be aware that he requires some things outside of box set (namely another set of Hollow waifs and a Desolation engine) but he is still quite fun. I would also say Hoffman isn't nearly as difficult as he sounds and can be fine for a beginner (my buddy started him instead). If you want to try out Hoffman, make sure to buy a peacekeeper first as well. Ramos is also an excellent choice and his box set comes with a ton of points. All your choices seem good, and don't worry too much about choosing a more complicated master early on, in my opinion it just means "easy to learn" masters are extremely easy for you to learn.

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