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my scuplting ideas,..


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THat's some nice work!

Hands are a pain, to get an open hand I tend to sculpt the back of the hand (a bit thinner than the hand needs to be) onto either a flat piece of plastic, or around a small ball if you want the fingers curled in. Then once it cures, peel it off and sculpt the shape of the palm and fingers onto the other side. A quick tidy of the finger edges, and its done. Green stuff is easier than Fimo for that though.

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Spent the whole day trying to sculpt an open hand. Failed miserably. I just don't think its in the cards for me at my current skill level.

Even thought about cheating a bit and stealing the hands from something else. Turns out,.. every model and even my spare bits, are all closed hands. Either fist style or holding an object of some sort. So I guess I don't feel as bad, since the "pros" don't do it really either.

Anyways, right arm and hand done. Working on the head now. Will post more pics this evening.

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YAY!!!,.. today's baking is done!!!.

I've still got a bit of shaping and smoothing to do (especially on the head). But at least you can see the overall look that I'm going for. Will spend tonight trying to get it all shaped the exact way I want it.

Not sure about the smoke base either,.. might need to take a 2nd look at that and maybe tweak it just a bit. just to give it a little more character, and something more for the your eyes to rest on when examining it.

Then I have to consider the wings. Given the size and weight of each wing in relation to the figure as a whole,.. I'm thinking a "wire frame" is probably going to be called for here.





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I am finding my personal technique to be a bit more "subtractive" then "additive". Most sculpters tend to add just the little bits of clay they need to get what they want. I've been finding it easier to make everything just slightly oversized,.. then file/shape it down to what I want my end result to be. So then, a curiousity question,...

What's your guy's style like??

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I tend to do wings much like I do hands, if they're feathered. Sculpt the front of back really thin on some paper, using that to give them curve as they cure. Then peel away the paper and sculpt the other side.

For bat wings, wire frame and possibly the paper method for each membrane might make it easier to get the shaping and detail on both sides.

I think I agree about the smoke, maybe a touch of that folding billowing type of swirliness in it would give it something to please the eye?

---------- Post added at 01:32 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:23 AM ----------

Good question, I tend to be additive with the majority of stuff, but sometimes going big and working the detail down into it is the only way I can get the effect I want!

I tended to bulk and then shave and sculpt down for the gremlins, especially the legs. But it changes regularly depending on what I need the putty to do...

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The painting has begun!!! Its starting to come to life. Though still a bit crudely constructed in my opinion. I may try at this one again,.. taking more time on it and trying to refine my skills. Plus maybe a new pose.

But let's see how this one comes out in the end. At least I have something to present in the competition.

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ok kids,.. here it is,.. the first completed (and likely to be the worst looking) model to come out of this competition.

I still got a bit of work to do on the wings,.. and the base still needs a bit of attention. I wish it had come out a bit smoother. Next time, circle cutters. (if I can ever find some of the right sizes)

But still, for my 2nd attempt at sculpting, and my first finished piece,.. I'm happy enough with it. Hope you enjoy *grin*

Next thing to work on,.. a small bit of fluff for this guy,..(and a name,.. I'm open to suggestions)

As always,.. thoughts are welcome,.. critisims encouraged,..




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Looking good chief! Especially for a second ever sculpt! You planning to do a second then using what you've learned from this one?

Circle cutters tend to be adjustable I think, I know mine go from a couple of mm to about 8 cm and were only a couple of pounds in a craft store.

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Great job man (especially for only the second model you have ever sculpted). My only criticism would be in regards to painting. I would probably suggest some dry brushing on the Wings, arms and wispy parts to ease the transitions and define the sculpting a bit.

I really like how the base turned out and think that some Object Source Lighting (if'n your feeling up to it) could also assit with the look of the finished piece (sort of like the creature has just been summoned with in the magick circle). A turquois light would probably look pretty good with the otherwise monochromatic paintjob (a strong magenta or purple might also look really good though).

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true,.. but I need the practice. lots,.. and LOTS,.. of practice *grin*

Truest thing ever. And it applies to everyone, regardless of skill and practice levels! *wink*

I've not decided on painting mine or not, I think I probably won't as paint can cover a multitude of sins and it's much funnier for me to have to get the original dead on! Lucky it's not a requirement!

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yes,.. I was thinking of a 2nd sculpt of this same guy. I think I can maybe use what I learned to get a better result from the next incarnation of him. A different pose is in order, and perhaps I can get him a bit "sleeker" and less blocky then this one came out. But it's all a learning experience for me. Though,.. this model doesn't help me learn to do faces or feet. (I could use it to practice hands though).

So I was thinking of trying my hand at the samurai guy to learn the more technical stuff,.. but then again, maybe I should do this same guy again and polish my skill some more.

Edited by Webmonkey
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