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my scuplting ideas,..


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I had 2 basic sculpting ideas,... the first is a sort of dark-elf samurai demon,... and the other is a summoned monster,.. I made some basic representations in my playstation home account. Below are the images of what I came up with. I need help trying to decide which one to do for the contest,.. so,.. lets put it to the vote,...







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yeah,.. but it is a bit more ambitious then the other one. But now you can see what I'm going for,.. like I said, my verbal descriptions just don't convey what I'm seeing in my head. *G* But these help get the point across a bit better.

I should do the lower one, since its a far easier sculpt. But I'd really like to try to tackle the samurai,.. hrmmm,..

I think I'll stew on it for a couple of days while people give me their input,..

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Getting a bit of a head start (since I'm slow with this sort of thing). I think I'll try to do both if I can, before the deadline comes up. That gives me about 3 months each. I'm starting with the summoned creature, as I think it'll be the easier of the two and therefore I'll be more capable of completing in time.

Anyways,.. I'm gonna use this as my WIP page. And as such, here's my first photo,...


once it hardens a bit, I can file/sand to smooth it out some. The rings are a bit rough, but I'm hoping to be able to fix some of it with paint in the end-steps. I just don't have steady enough hands to get perfect circles like that.

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Circle cutters man, it's the only way forward! Cured putty or plasticard and a score line from a circle cutter is the only way I've found to do it. They look pretty close though, a quick file in the grooves and I reckon you wont need to tweak it with paint!

And extra kudos points for doing both pieces.

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So I've been working on my fluff and card stats in my head for the summoned critter. (still haven't figured a name yet). But I'm thinking Neverborn as the primary faction.

Cost : 9

Wk/Cg : 5/6

Ht : 2

Wp : 6

Ca : 5 (masks)

Df : 6

Wd: 9

Long Clawed Fingers (ignores armor)

Rg : 2

Cb : 7 (masks)

Dg 2/3/5

Characteristics : Nightmare, Woe, Rare 1

Abilities : Terrifying 13, Does Not Die, Reverse Polarity, I Like Candy,... , Of Smoke and Shadows, Rage Against the Machine

Reverse Polarity: Being summoned from something resembling a negative universe, this model's fate line runs opposite to our own. As such Red and Black jokers are reversed for this model. (IE: this model epicly wins with a Black Joker flip, and epicly fails with a Red Joker)

I Like Candy,.. : This model has an affinity for the the woe model "Candy". If within 6 inches of her, she can transfer all incoming attacks to this model.

Of Smoke and Shadows : This model takes half damage from all physical attacks. (rounded down). However,.. it takes an additional half damage from magical spells/attacks. (rounded up) (IE: 4 wounds plus an additional half (2) wound make a total of 6 wounds)

Rage Against the Machine: Being a creature of pure magic, this model becomes enraged when engaged with mechanical constructs. All attacks against such targets receive (+ card)

Actions :

(+1) Instinctual

(0) "I Can Fly!"

(0) Smell Fear

(still working on what triggers and spells would fit best,.. as always, I'm willing to entertain ideas)

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Alright,.. here's some updated pics for my WIP. Got a bit of the smoke lower half done. It's likely to change a bit before it's done, but a lot of that look will show in the paint job. Otherwise, I got the main body armature in place, and more or less posed like I want. So from here,.. it's onto the main body sculpting.

Still gotta figure out the stat card and the fluff though,...





As always,.. thoughts are welcome,..

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latest update,.. I think I've got a decent handle on the musculature (still need to work on the right chest and arm),.. but what I've got so far I like. The hand seems a bit oversized to me still, so I need to work that down a bit. And to be honest, I'd rather the hands be open,.. so I need to figure out a way to make the hands without it deforming so much as I try to work it.

Perhaps greenstuff instead of fimo? and maybe an armiture of some type underneath? Not sure if I can find a wire thin, yet stiff, enough to do the job.

Was getting bad feedback from the light fimo against the white for some reason, so went with a darker background and used the shadows to show the details this time out.




As always,... feel free to point and laugh at my ridiculous attempts at sculpting,..

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Have you, by chance, read the Dan Abnett book Traitor General? In it, there's a thing called wirewolves, and the way he does the hands I think might work well for you. Rather than sculpting out open hands, you could try using wire to shape into claws, and leave the wire exposed. When you go to paint it, make the wire seem like it's light, or electricity, to emphasize the unearthly nature of the thing.

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next update.

I decided I didn't like the abdominal muscles, so I got rid of them. Going for a bit more of a concave look in the mid-region.

I've tweaked the left arm a bit, and shaped it some more. Shaved the hand down a hair too,.. still not happy with it though. Might need to cut it off and start over. I'd prefer an open-hand claw look. But I must admit, I'm having a bit of trouble with the hands.

Got the right side chest completed, and the right arm mostly done. May still need some fine tuning. And of course, the right hand needs done,.. but still, there's that open-hand problem again,..

Once I figure that out, then it's onto the head. Which, despite its mostly featureless look, is one of the main things that's going to give this model some "character".

For only my 2nd real attempt at sculpting a humanoid figure,.. I'm pretty happy with it. Though I'm sure there's lots to pick on. Anyways,.. here are the current pics.

Go ahead,.. laugh,..




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