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SteamHammer's Paintathon '12 - Final Round


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Thanks. Rather than make a whole new post I thought I'd just append it to this one.

The aftermath

5 months. 6 factions. 60 models. I'm done, the backlog has been removed. It's gone from this:


To this:


We've had highs, Avatar Pandora. And lows, Collodi.

A new material to play with thanks to the switch to plastic. Great to work with, fantastic details but damn is it fiddly. Especially the ladies. Back in the past with Chaos warriors and orcs you had slabs of muscle to pick out details to highlight, sheets of armour to shade. It was a simpler time. Oh well, everyone likes a challenge.

Lessons learnt:

  1. I hate puppets, marionettes, small Neverborn in general.
  2. Take extra care removing plastic parts from a sprue and make sure theres there's something on the model's feet to make a solid join to the base.
  3. Either paint all matching models at the same time or make notes about how you mixed colours. Trying to match the Peacekeeper to the other constructs was really annoying.
  4. Did I mention puppets? Somehow I'm no longer keen to get Puppet Wars.

So what's next?

First a break from miniatures. I'm going to try and make more scenery so that we can have games on something other than slums or random badlands settlement.

But I still have plenty of miniatures to paint in the new year.

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