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Getting places with Malifaux - Opa McMourning style!


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That's right.

Here's a few WIPs I did in work today.


Yes that's a bit of till-roll under the she-Drowned.


Oh yeah, same day I was accepted to college I was offered a part-time job in our FLGS. Needless to say the store now stocks a wide range of Wyrd products (I am nothing if not persuasive), today there was a queue for the gaming tables to play Malifaux, which is rewarding to say the least!

Edited by Mergoth
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Well, why don't you come visit me in October, i'm organizing this huge Malifaux Tournament in Copenhagen, if everything goes according to plan, will it have 12 tables with terrain from every corner of Malifaux.


We will have the following tables:



Soulstonemine/The Breach



Ortega city

3 Alice in Wonderland tables

And a Malifaux city + some random places.

I would love to see an Irishman at my tourney, sorry for advertising, but i felt i kinda needed to brag a little :D

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