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Xcom: Enemy Unknown

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  • 2 weeks later...

@neverborn403: Playing this currently, just built the Gollop champer and having a great time with the game. Run and gun is excellent, I have squad sight on one sniper but not sure how it works/have not used it yet. What is the story with it?

@Brainscan: True. I think the upcoming DLC adds 3 new maps which is good, though I dislike the principle behind DLC in general. I also wish there was an offline skirmish mode as I'm not big on online multiplayer game. I prefer AI to actual people when it comes to games, more reliable.

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I still play the PS1 version :)

I got the dos version on CD-ROM

I did play the demo of the new game. I was hoping for more of an enhancement remake and this is a bit different. But its looks nice and its still turned based so I plan to give it a go once it drops in price a bit.

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I've been playing XCOM quite a lot these past few weeks, been having a great time with it. I like running two snipers, two assaults, a support and a heavy.

Two assaults with Close Combat Specialist is excellent: whenever an alien ends its move within four spaces, you get a free shot. This can even trigger after overwatch (!). I just set them up in a close quarter, high traffic area and they tear aliens apart. Especially beserkers, who move towards you each time they take damage...

@ robtion: squad sight is one of my most favourite abilities. It allows friendly squad members to 'spot' for your sniper so he doesn't need to get close to the action in order to shoot. Say you have a nice piece of high ground near the dropzone, get your sniper up there. When your squadies move up and find aliens, the sniper will be able to shoot at them too, despite being halfway back across the map, with all the high ground bonuses to your aim.

I've also been enjoying multiplayer (despite the bugs) but it seems its region locked. I can wait maybe 30 mins prime time and not see/get a single custom game being played. Haven't had a ranked match yet :( It's a real pity more people aren't playing.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I blew through the single player campaign a few days after it came out, having coincidentally (and not intentionally, though it has happened in the past) booked that week off for vacation.

I played through on Normal (Classic seems pretty ruthless, as is appropriate for a proper X-Com game) and really enjoyed it. As a long time fan of the original, I felt it to be a worthy successor to the name, even if it lacked a few features I enjoyed (base defenses, randomized maps, etc). Hopefully there's a sequel, and those features can find their way back into the game.

My 'badass' squad ended up being an Assault (Lightning Reflexes and improved defense) who was my stunner, a Support (triple med kits), a Sniper (squad vision for the ability to reach out and touch someone from half a city block away) and three Heavies (double rockets, enhanced radius).

If things got hairy, an application of triple rockets usually sorted things out just fine. Having 6 available (assuming none of my heavies were cooped up in medbay) certainly didn't make things too easy, but it definitely gave me enough to spend one now and then making my own walls. It also let me give up frag grenades early in place of extra nano suits, which I think helped my survivability nicely.

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