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Yellow or Red dress?


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I'm starting to tackle Lilitu and I'm a little undecided on her dress colour. The model I'm using for Lilith (on the left in the photo) is sporting a golden/yellow bikini. My first thought was to use the same yellow for Lilitu's dress and gloves. After putting one coat of yellow on however I'm a little unsure if she's too bright and if she'd fit with the crew better with the standard red dress like in her artwork.

What do you think? Yellow or red?


There's no shading on her dress at the moment obviously, so it would end up a little darker than that, but she'll still be noticably brighter than the rest of the crew I think.

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I kinda like the yellow so far. Good job with the sheer effect. :D

If it turns out you don't like that color quite as much, you could pick up a second copy of her (she is rare 2, after all) and just use this one as a back up if you feel the need to summon a second one to the table later on.

What are your plans for your Young and Mature Nephilim? Do you plan on including Nekima?

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I do have another model lined up for Lilitu #2, but I don't plan to paint her until the rest of the crew is done.

I have the Young nephilim which I'll be painting something like the studio models. For the Mature I'm going with the winged version of Thagrosh from warmachine, and will use a similar scheme to the young. I'll tie in reds and yellows of course but I think blues will be reserved for the female nephilim.

I own Nekima but I honestly don't see myself ever including her in a crew without some changes to her rules (just too many ss for my taste), so I'm not terribly motivated to assemble/paint her.

Edited by Mach_5
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Completely understood, as far as Nekima. Too many stones for such a big target, despite how much she helps with raising tots into fine young and mature nephilim.

Yeah, noticed the blue is for girls; red is for boys color scheme. Not that Wyrd hasn't mostly kept to that, aside from Lilith, Nekima, and that alternate Lilitu paint job on pg 50 of book 2. [The tots in some paint schemes start out as normal flesh color, but that just means they might grow into red or blue later.]

Currently my Lilith crew is devoid of paint. I've been unhappy with my paint job for awhile, now, and decided to strip their paint off in favor of finally giving them a theme. My Nekima proxy, by Reaper, still gets to keep her paint, for now. The official Nekima is still in pieces in the box. I don't wanna risk breaking her off at the ankle.


Edited by i_was_like_you
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