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underdogs journey of the brush


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So ive decided to do a plog to record my progress painting and to motavate me to paint more. This is my sonnia crew so far. Ill be posting pics of my WIPs and maybe a few pics of other minatures from differnt games systems.

Im just hoping to get some feed back. Comments critisisms and suggestions are more than welcome so dont be affraid to comment.

Ill be getting pics of my Kirai crew tomorow they are still in the very early stages.

Hope you enjoy :)

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Thanks for the comments guys :)

Take what you want from them. The whole idea of the grey is to be a kind of camoflauge in the thaw of winter. The crew is a paranormal hunter/killer group with the colour scheme loosely based on a ww2 german uniform.

I know my brush skills need some more work but i like to try improve with every model. So any hints or tips on how to improve would be greatly apprichiated.

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Heres my WIP Onryo from my newly started Kirai crew. They are the only models done to date.

The theme im going for them is a moon lit marsh. With the spirts comming out in the moon light to prey on the fears of the living.

Im hoping i can pull off the effect. Its the reason for the bright whites and quite dramatic highlights. Not sure the pics show this to great effect as tue lighting is terrible due to bad weather.

C&Cs welcome as always :D




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Thanks very much. Im very much a fan of uniform looking crews being from a military back ground. I was hoping to break from the mould with my kirai crew, but alas ive ended up with an over all colour scheme (in my head)

Hopefully it looks as good as it does on paper. Will get some mor

e pictures up when ive made some progress.

Thanks again to everyone for there comments so far and hope people are enjoying it as much as i am :)


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One thing that I would recommend if you want to keep to a same color scheme but break up the regimented feel is to pick three colors that are the colors for the crew, but then use variations based on the model. For my Kirai crew, I used red, black and purple, but I messed around with the shade and placement for different models. For Kirai herself, I shifted the colors all the way over to nearly white, but they still feel similar. I then expand it out to Faction, where I'll pick a color for the Faction that everything I paint of that faction will have one color to tie them together (in the case of ressers, it was the purple).

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Thats exactly what i have in my head. The colours im using are green purple and white. The onryo and other spirits will be heavy in colour and Kirai herself along with ikiryo will be predominantly white.

For my gaki though i am still unsure of what colour to use? Im thinking of keeping to the black for a bit of a clash with the rest of the crew?

Do you have any pictures up of your crew? The black red and purple sound very nice indeed :)

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For my gaki though i am still unsure of what colour to use? Im thinking of keeping to the black for a bit of a clash with the rest of the crew?

If you want to go dark on them, just add some black to your purple to go really dark with it...and maybe a little brown to your green to go for a more drab green....highlight up from those two dark colors. Will still be in color theme but will be darker and 'yuckier'.

Here is a pic of the Kirai crew I did. You'll note my 'regimented colors' also (ahhh...prior military myself) But I didn't mess with darker and lighter versions. The pic will link you to my photobucket acct where you can see a bunch of other angles and pics of individuals.


I know Ratty has a beautiful Kirai crew....there is a link in his sig. And Mako has another sweet one....though I believe it is buried somewhere in his painting thread...back towards his early pages I believe.

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@ turtleclub13 heres a link to the page i learned to do it. Its really good. On the snow and itself i just flocked it before following the guide without taking off some of the paint.


@dgraz ive checked out makos crew. Its stunning. Simpley stunning. Ill have to check out rattys as well. Ive got the rest of the models for my kirai crew minus the gaki. Still waiting on them due to been out of stock. Plus painting a high elf army as well as a tyranid army ive alot on my hands so doing bits and pieces of all of them at the min lol.

Id love to just do all my malifaux stuff at once as the models are by far the most enjoyable to paint but im using them as bonuses for myself to keep motavated so after each unit ill paint a blister to break things up. Still need to finish my onryo as well which wil be done tomorow.

Edited by underdog6750
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Looking good there, it's really interesting how even though we used the same main colours, your choice of white and the way you've done them makes them so different to how mine turned out!

And since I don't remember seeing them before, the winter guild are awesome. Really unusual colours for that lot, but it works so nicely it looks like that's how they actually should be dressed!

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@neverborn403 thanks alot. I like to use crews and paint schemes that are a bit more unique within my gaming circle. Not many people in our lgc use sonnia or kirai which was one of the factors for my crew. Also the fact i love the models. Definately the most enjoyable models i have ever painted.

@mako thanks for the comments. I am a huge fan of yours and was inspired by your crew to do a take on green/purple colour scheme but still try and make it my own by changing the shades etc. I had been searching for days to find a scheme i liked. I just wish i had read your colour theory before i had started as i would have varied the hue slightly.

Im still trying to get the moon lit look down and not sure how too. If anyone has any suggests i would apprichiate it greatly.

Ill try get some decent pics up asap as well as the lighting was really poor for the onryo and seishin.

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