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Model Idea: The Ragpicker King

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In the slums of Malifaux, the malicious little Crooligans scurry the alleys, their pranks often turning murderous. Sometimes, the chaotic Crooligans show signs of some overarching plan, as if led by some silent, secret architect.

The filthy Ragpicker King is not an impressive figure -- scrawny and cowardly, adorned in rags and scraps, skulking through the mists and shadows of the dirty city streets. In the presence of the powerful, he bows and scrapes like a beggar, but his quick eyes always dart about for opportunities and weaknesses.

Sometimes he's seen looting graveyards for ingredients for his horrible alchemical concoctions. Sometimes he's whispering directions to his Crooligans, directing them to minor acts of mischief that will perhaps someday serve a greater purpose. Sometimes he is seen bargaining with the powerful, promising the world for a pittance. Usually, he is not seen at all.

The wily old beast has taught himself many secrets of Malifaux -- the use of soulstones, the secret names of streets, the formulae of various horrid concoctions -- but he hides these talents from his superiors, pretending to be a simple criminal. He would never admit it, but the Ragpicker King is insanely jealous of the newly-reborn Molly Squidpiddge, the promising dead reporter who attracts the loyalty of the Crooligans that he claims as his own. While the Ragpicker King promises Molly his services and loyalty, in truth he hates her for her innocence and her influence. He waits, none too patiently, for an opportunity to betray her and seize his place as ruler of the undead.

(Model suggestions: Wuppwecht the Dwead Piwate, Malifaux Child, Latigo Pistolero, Guild Autopsy, Mindless Zombie, Rafkin the Embalmer)

* * *

The Ragpicker King

Special Forces (Horror), Undead, Graverobber, Crooligan, Unique

Soul Stone Cost: 2 and Summoned

30 mm base

Wk/Cg: 4/6

Ht: 2

Wp: 6

Ca: 5

Df: 5:crows

Wd: 8

Infected Dagger

Rg 1:melee

Cb 6:crows

Dg 2/3/5



Creepy: Living models within 3" of this model receive -1 Wp.

Eager to Lead: This model gains Use Soulstones if there are no other friendly models with Use Soulstones in play.

Knives in the Dark: If there is exactly one Master or Henchmen within 3" of this model during the Start Closing Phase, inflict 4 Dg on that Master or Henchman.

Looking for an Innocent: This model cannot be Summoned if any models in the same Crew have killed a friendly model, or died in a self-inflicted injury from terrain or other hazards. Any model that Summons this model takes 4 Wd.

Lord of the Crooligans: This model ignores the obscuring trait generated by Auras and Markers. While this model is in play, any Crooligan that has cast The Mist is considered to be within the :aura of The Mist.

Lost in the Alleyways: This model does not come into play at the start of the game, but can only be Summoned if its Soulstone Cost is paid during crew selection. This model can only be summoned with the Undead Construction spell, and can only be summoned once per encounter. This model counts as worth 8 Soulstones for Encounter purposes.


Slow to Die

Stalker: If this model receives cover from all enemy models at the start of the End Closing Phase, Push it up to 6". This model must be in cover from all enemy models after the Push.

Superior Dead: This model is immune to effects that specifically target Undead.


(+1) Nimble

(0) Juices of the Dying: Discard one Corpse Counter. This model's melee Strikes gain Poison 2.

(1) Master Plan: All friendly Crooligans within 12" may immediately take a (1) Walk or (1) Interact action.


Cb (:crows:crows) Rot

Df (:crows) Trick of the Dark: Before this model is damaged by a melee Strike from an enemy model, spend one Soulstone to Summon one Crooligan, then switch this model with the newly summoned Crooligan. The Crooligan is now the target of the melee attack. Only usable if this model has Use Soulstone.


(1) Legerdemain (CC: 13 :masks/ Rst:Wp /Rg: 3)

Target model with Use Soulstone discards one Soulstone. If they do, gain one Soulstone.

Edited by Hateful Darkblack
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I was originally going to call you crazy for how cheap the model was until I read the rest of the rules. I like him. Only able to be summoned once and not starting on the board makes him pretty reasonable. Although you're getting quite a bit of bang for your buck. I'm wondering if he's still too cheap even if summoned. As you can easily use a desparate merc or canine remains to get the corpse counter you need.....

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I'm wondering if he's still too cheap even if summoned. As you can easily use a desparate merc or canine remains to get the corpse counter you need.....

Nope. "This model cannot be Summoned if any models in the same Crew have killed a friendly model, or died in a self-inflicted injury from terrain or other hazards."

I mean, you could hire a Canine Remains and send it up to get killed by the enemy. But you can't just kill your own.

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I would agree that he provides a lot of bang for the Soul Stone however the fact that a lot of his abilities dont specify friendly balances him quite well (especially Stalker with Lord of the Crooligans and Knives in the Dark).

Abilities I really like are Eager to Lead and Juices of the Dying, also the Df Trigger Trick of the Dark.

I do think that Master Plan needs a much smaller pulse, as is it could be pretty game changing for some Strategies and Schemes.

Over all I really like the idea of him coming into power after the "former" leader of the crew has perished (it should provide some late game interest, and allow the Ress Masters to play a bit more risky).

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Some of his abilities - how they work and when they work are really clever. I mean...wow-clever. My favorite is probably Eager to Lead...closely followed by Trick of the Dark.

This guy would need some serious playtesting. He seems cheap for what he brings, but some of his abilities seem to balance that - just summoning him does 4 Wds to your master...that's pretty big. But very hard to tell on paper.

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Really cool idea for a model. Looks like he'd interact really well with the horror crew too. Maybe put the rules on one of ratty's card templates?

As for model, I'd want mine to look like fagin from oliver twist, some kind of really grubby, gritty guy who looks after the crooligans because he sees personal benefit in doing so.

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Over all I really like the idea of him coming into power after the "former" leader of the crew has perished (it should provide some late game interest, and allow the Ress Masters to play a bit more risky).

Thank you! And, yes, Knives in the Dark intentionally doesn't specify friendly. He's just as happy stabbing Molly and taking her job as he is stabbing the enemy master.

---------- Post added at 01:39 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:18 PM ----------

Really cool idea for a model. Looks like he'd interact really well with the horror crew too. Maybe put the rules on one of ratty's card templates?

Great idea, Jack! I'll give that a try!

---------- Post added at 01:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:39 PM ----------

I do think that Master Plan needs a much smaller pulse, as is it could be pretty game changing for some Strategies and Schemes.

I was worried about that too. In the little playtesting I've done, though, Crooligans end up so far-ranging that it's rare that they get to use this even at 12".

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