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Lady Justice vs. The Nightmares


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This week we got to play on the same board as last week, but we were able to use the center of the table!

You can read a description of the board here: http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?35464-Swamp-Hag-vs-Lovely-Latina

Game size: 25 SS

Guild flipped Claim Jump. Neverborn flipped A Line in the Sand (which I'd never done before).

We flipped Large Tavern for our board, thus making the mausoleum full of sarcophagi and torture implements slightly more disturbing (unless you're a Ressurectionist), and flipped Dim Lighting for the Terrain Feature. This meant that the maximum range of LOS was reduced to 8". Didn't really bother me, but it was significant for the Guild.


Lady Justice- 7 SS Pool

Scales of Justice


Austringer x2


Schemes: Bodyguard and Stake a Claim, both announced.


The Dreamer/Lord Chompy Bits- 6 SS Pool



Night Terror x2

Insidious Madness

Schemes: Grudge against the Bald Austringer, and Steal Relic, both announced. Choosing Steal Relic against Lady Justice is crazy, but I just wanted to see how it'd shake out...

We flipped Diagonals for our deployment. I was on the same side of the table I was last game, so I deployed in the same corner.


It was strange only putting one model down after all this time. Forar started all of his models in the corner again, though he was pretty close to the mausoleum-- er, tavern!-- door.


He put both of his Claims in the Tavern, on the upper floor, within inches of each other so he could secure them both easily. He even went so far as to put his Claim Jump objective on a piece of floor with nothing underneath it, just so he could take it from multiple levels. The Line in the Sand objectives were stretched out along the centerline, with two being on the ground floor (one dead center of the Tavern, t'other in the southwest corner of the 'moat') and the other three being on the second level, two being inside the tavern proper, and the last being on an outside ledge in the northeast corner.

Turn 1- Man Do Those Spirits Move!

Guild won initiative. Forar activated his Hat Austringer and had him double-walk along the southern wall. Dreamer activated and used his first (0) action to activate "I can fly!" giving him a Wk of 7 and Flight (there's almost never going to be a Dreamer activation where this isn't the first thing I do), then flitted his way into the tavern. Dreamer then used his last AP to cast Frightening Dream, using a 4 of Masks to get the spell off and activate the "All My Friends" trigger. Out popped both Night Terrors and the Insidious Madness, each being placed within reach of a Dynamite token. Forar spent the rest of his Activations moving his Austringers up with the Guardian in base contact with both of them. Lady J moved up towards the tavern's door. The Spirit/Nightmares all activated their respective tokens (3 on turn 1 ain't too shabby) and I used the Night Terror's movement abilities to end the turn with both of them in base contact with each other.

Turn 2- Guild Draws First... Ectoplasm?

Guild won initiative. Forar activated his Hat Austringer and sent his bird after the Insidious Madness causing 1 Wd (Madness has three total). I cheated a high card to cause the Austringer to miss his second shot. I activated Insidious Madness and had him double-walk 16" back to the northwest corner of the map, out of harm's way. Forar activated Lady J and has her move up to the door of the tavern and kicks it in, staying in the doorway so she can move into the tavern on the next turn or hold back and help her Crew depending on the circumstances. I activated one Night Terror and had it go and flip over the Dynamite in the northeast corner. Forar brought his Watcher over to sit on the other side of the wall, just south of his Austringer/Guardian/Austringer cluster. I activated my other Night Terror and had it fly out of the tavern to the moat area on the east side, using its (0) action to bring its brother along with it. Forar had his Guardian cast Shield Wall, giving it and the two Austringers Armour +4. I then had Dreamer double-fly over to the southwest corner, keeping him behind a wall and out of sight of the Guild.


Turn 3- Lady Justice Opens A Can

Neverborn won initiative. I activated Dreamer first and after much humming and hawing (and after realizing he didn't quite have enough movement to get him beyond the outer wall) I decided to go for the kill. So, I had him fly towards the Guild cluster and release his last two Nightmares. I placed Lelu next to the Guardian as well as the Hat Austringer and put Lelitu outside the wall, but within her generous melee range of the Watcher. Then I used Dreamer's second (0) action to activate Nightmare Friend and brought out Chompy. Chompy's not inconsiderable melee range enveloped both Austringers, the Guardian and Lady J. Forar had all seven of his Soulstones still. I figured that an assault on Justice wouldn't be the best idea so I decided to try to make it easier to collect on my Grudge and attacked the Bald Austringer, doing a tidy 4 Wd (out of 6). Chompy only had one general AP after being unburied but he still had Melee Master so I decided to have him bite the Hat Austringer, cheating in a Crow to get the Disembowel trigger. Forar had two low cards that he was glad to get rid of so the Austringer lived but took 2 Wd and two Poison counters.


Forar came back hard. He companion activated the Scales of Justice and Lady J. He buffed up Lady J with the Totem and then activated the swordmistress, using Sword Style to increase her Cb to 9. She focused her fury on Chompy. I Cheated and even threw in a Souldstone, but Forar Soulstoned right back and brought his total up to a straight flip, her Greatsword making it a positive twist. Oh yeah, he also had a couple of Rams on the Attack Flip, so his Damage Flip was going to hurt anyway. Then he cheated in the Red Joker. The total damage he did to Chompy was 14! I used a Soulstone (because there was no reason not to) my only slim chance being a Red Joker flip, but because none of you heard my scream of triumph on the wind that night you know that I didn't flip it. I think I flipped a deuce. Chompy was one-shotted by Lady J. Justice then charged the Dreamer and one-shotted him as well (not as impressive a feat, but still). So, in one activation Lady Justice took away half my offense and some of my board control. I felt I was sunk. But, these games are about trying things and such so I decided not to use an (all) action to concede (which is our gaming group's house rule). I Bond-activated the Twins instead.

Lelu went first and put all of his attacks into the Guardian. He managed to do 7 Wd to it plus give it two Poison Counters. So, the Guardian was dead the next time it activated (it has 9 Wd total). Lelitu took an idiotic swing at the Watcher and Black Joker'd the damage flip. I then had her float over the wall to put her next to the Bald Austringer using her Casting Expert to use Lure on him hoping to turn it into a Melee Strike... only to forget to actually have the right card in the Casting Flip to get the Double-Take Trigger (I realize now that I only needed the Double-Take trigger to cast the spell a second time, not for the Melee Strike which is a part of Lure, but for some reason I thought I needed the trigger at the time). I did pull the Bald Austringer out of base contact with the Guardian but even that didn't matter because the Guardian would do no more this game. Forar had an idea of having the Austringers mount a massive Bash attack on one of the Twins, hoping to get a few lucky shots in until we looked up the rules of Bash and realized it was done at Cb 3. Odds weren't great. He did spite-activate the Guardian just to get him out of the way and find out what my next move was. I brought my Night Terrors along to join in the fun in front of the tavern doors. Forar had his Austringers try to Bash the Twins but failed to hit. I tucked my Insidious Madness in behind a row of bookshelves in the tavern and brought my Night Terrors (using the second one's activation) into base contact with the Bald Austringer. Forar moved his Watcher into the tavern, right next to the center Dynamite marker. Lelu used his Thoughts Twisted ability to do 2 Wd to the Hat Austringer and took him out of the game.

Turn 4- Crazy Initiative Flip and Red Lelu Gets Red Revenge

So, I flipped a seven for initiative and Forar flipped an ace. He spent a soulstone and managed to get a 10, so I spent one back and flipped a 12. Huge. This bit is all kinds of hazy, but apparently what I did was activate the Insidious Madness first and flew it through the tavern wall to put him next to Justice, then tried to use A Danger to Yourself on Justice, forcing her to make a Wp Duel or take 2 Wds. She won it easily. My plan was to slow Justice down so she wouldn't do exactly what she ended up doing. Bad move. Forar companion-activated the Totem plus Justice and did his card-manipulation/buff Justice combo before activating Justice, having her cast Sword Style to give her a freaking Cb 11(!) and used her to charge away from the Madness (easily beating the disengaging Strike) and hit Lelitu. She smacked the slightly evil-er Twin for 7 Dmg which killed her dead (I think I had pointed out that at this point I had only used my marker to mark down one wound on my Insidious Madness' stat card; the rest of my models had all been killed in one shot). She then used her Melee Expert to attack Lelu and did 7 (of 9) Wd to him. So, I activated Lelu, hoping to bring down Lady J, though with her having Soulstones left it wasn't looking very promising. I attacked her the first time but she Soulstoned to make me miss. My second attack landed a meager hit which Forar, now getting low on Soulstones, allowed to go through. I had a negative twist on damage but the second card I drew was the Red Joker! Unfortunately the follow-up card was an ace, but I still did 7 Wd to Justice and gave her two Poison counters. Lelu had a Melee Expert attack which he used to hit her again for a potential 3 Wd but Forar used Wound Prevention to bring it down to 1 Wd. Lelu was going to have a single Wd remaining if he made it to the next turn and Lady J still had 4, which would go down to 2 on her next activation. So close! Forar used a (2) interact action with his Watcher to flip the center Dynamite token back over. I activated one Night Terror that was close to Lady J, had it attempt to Steal her Relic, which I got off just barely. My second Night Terror attacked the Bald Austringer and finished him off. In the Closing Phase Lelu took 3 Wd (leaving him with 1) for not having his sister in play and tried to do 2 Wd to Justice with Thoughts Twisted but she Damage Preventioned it to nothing.


Turn 5- The Beginning of the End

Guild won initiative. I spent another Soulstone due to the 'Why wouldn't I?' principle but failed to make a change. Forar activated Lady Justice and used her Melee Expert first to finish off Lelu. It was at this point that I remembered his Black Blood special rule, which I announced. It did 1 Wd to Justice, leaving her with a single Wd as well as a single Poison counter. On her next activation she would die. Realizing she was on borrowed time, Forar tried to attack my Night Terrors, but failed to hit the first one, and even though he did 8 Wd to the second through lots of Cheating, Night Terrors have Hard to Kill so it was just left with 1 Wd. I had my Insidous Madness flip over the Dynamite in the southwest corner. Forar moved his Watcher to be in base contact with his Stake a Claim target and within 3" of his Claim Jump objective. I had my Night Terrors try to get out of Lady J's melee range but neither managed to do it. Lady J's totem activated and managed to disengage from the Night Terrors to move to within 3" of the Claim objective.

Turn 6-The End

Guild won initiative. Forar had his Watcher go Defensive Stance. I activated my Insidious Madness and moved in right beside the Watcher. Forar Activated the Totem and tried to fruitlessly get into a better position, forgetting a rule about Totems (which I think we all have from time to time). I activated a Night Terror, but couldn't get out of Lady J's Melee Range. Forar had to activate Lady J, who died, taking the Totem with her. I activated my last Night Terror, moved up onto a ledge of the tavern, used its (0) action to pull its brother up with it, then flew it through the wall to be next to the Watcher.


We did flip a Turn 7, but we decided not to play it out as there were only two conclusions: either 1) Forar got to go first and had his Watcher run away, leaving him with no points, or 2) I would go first and murder the Watcher, leaving him no points. As it stood, the score was 6-2 for the Neverborn, if we had played out turn 7 it would've been an 8-0 shutout.

After-Action Report

This game was pretty intense for the most part. I thought I was a goner quite a few times. Forar one-shotting Chompy as well as the Dreamer in one activation was pretty demoralizing. On the other hand, flipping that Red Joker for damage on Lady J was incredibly lucky. We were trying to pinpoint the 'tide-turning' moment of the game, and that might've been it.

Forar also at one point could have killed his own Austringer to deny me my Grudge Scheme but knew that the general consensus, at least amongst our own gaming group, is that kind of behaviour is 'unsportsmanlike', so he didn't. I find that particularly commendable.

In the end I think the Guardian/Austringer combo was one of those things that looked good on paper but wasn't ideal in practice. Forar said afterward that he should've probably taken the Judge instead of the Guardian and I think I agree. He also said taking Witchling Stalkers instead of the Austringers might have been better too. In hindsight, I think if he had used the Watcher to run around and undo my Dynamite counters from the beginning, I would have had a tougher time. I would've probably had to send my Night Terrors after it and, even though they'd likely catch it and kill it, they wouldn't be in a position to finish off Austringers or Steal Relics.

I hadn't used the Night Terrors before this, and I got them exactly for this kind of objective-grabbing Strategy. They did not disappoint in this regard. This was also the second time I'd used the Insidious Madness and the first time he lived to see the end of the game (the first time I used him, in a Pandora Crew, he was killed in Turn 1). And though I didn't really get to use any of its tricks, its raw speed and getoverthereitude was really impressive.

Fun game. Pretty close. Looking forward to this week's challenge.

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so I decided not to use an (all) action to concede (which is our gaming group's house rule).

I believe to date I am the only person in our gaming group to use this rule.

To be fair, it was in a game of Hoffman vs. Leveticus on Shared Treasure Hunt where Levi's crew murdered my Peacekeeper and Hoffman himself on essentially the first turn (the killing blow for each came during the beginning of the second, to be fair). 9 wds through Armour at a foot away in 2 AP is all kinds of bulls..henanigans.

Edited by Forar
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  • 2 weeks later...

LJ is a true beast if she gets good cards to go along with her high CB. In my experience she either does a lot or nothing as her low df makes her vulnerable.

The report is very well written and I enjoyed reading it. Quite a few very exciting moments in it. Thanks for taking time to write it and I hope to see more from you in the future!

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Just kind of a curiosity here, but how are you hiring Night Terrors with Dreamer? Is that a house rule you guys use?

If you take a look at the erratas on the Model Clarification page there is an entry for Night Terrors. As this is on my card it is a pretty early change to Night Terrors that happened between the book and the release of the cards.

[h=3]Night Terrors:[/h]

  • UPDATE: - Claws are now Cb 4 Crow

  • UPDATE: - The 'Blind' trigger now prevents all Strikes until the End Closing Phase, not just ranged Strikes.
  • UPDATE: - An added Ability called 'Dark Dreams': Crews containing the Dreamer may hire this model at no additional cost.

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If you take a look at the erratas on the Model Clarification page there is an entry for Night Terrors. As this is on my card it is a pretty early change to Night Terrors that happened between the book and the release of the cards.

[h=3]Night Terrors:[/h]

  • UPDATE: - Claws are now Cb 4 Crow

  • UPDATE: - The 'Blind' trigger now prevents all Strikes until the End Closing Phase, not just ranged Strikes.
  • UPDATE: - An added Ability called 'Dark Dreams': Crews containing the Dreamer may hire this model at no additional cost.

Odd, but awesome. Had no idea about that.

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