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Yo, Neverborn, who's the Neverborniest?


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In same way even tough Neverborn top goal is to defeat the tyrants most of them are using their powers

Pandora's box, LCB is one and the hungering darkness might be one

Wait again. Did I miss that Pandora's Box is a Tyrant? Or confirmation that Nytmare is one?

AFAIK, the only Tyrant related ally in question is the Hungering Darkness. Nothing else is pro-Tyrant in the entire Neverborn lineup.

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That was a very intersting passage in the books; Nytemare doesn't seem to remember or have realized the possibility that he could be a Tyrant. He does seem to have quite a bit of inside info on them, though.

However, he seems very amused by Pandora's link with the box...and does hint that Pandora could be serving the box rather than the opposite.

Still not sure if Lilith hasn't been chosen by Nature (she does seem to abandon herself willingly to the forest), while Zoraida seems to be the one who had the most control over her change (as far as i recall).

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It was hinted in book 3 fluff that pandoras box and nytmare might be tyrants or be using their powers. And the hungering darkness is an ex tyrant seeing as he is dead unlike the others who were locked away.

Tyrants don't die, or at lest can't die

there physical form van be destroyed, but they don't die. Like how December died in book, but was still around in book 2&3, but i have still yet to read book 4. so could be wrong here

That was a very intersting passage in the books; Nytemare doesn't seem to remember or have realized the possibility that he could be a Tyrant. He does seem to have quite a bit of inside info on them, though.

However, he seems very amused by Pandora's link with the box...and does hint that Pandora could be serving the box rather than the opposite.

Still not sure if Lilith hasn't been chosen by Nature (she does seem to abandon herself willingly to the forest), while Zoraida seems to be the one who had the most control over her change (as far as i recall).

I think he wasn't telling the entire truth

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He sure kept cryptic to poor Pandora and it felt like he held back a lot of info, though the part where it mentions he had not considered the idea of him being a Tyrant is in narrative mode.

Back to the poll, we've seen a switch of opinion...Zoraida had the lead at first and now Lilith is largely ahead.

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Isn't that the point though? Looking almost human, almost innocent but actually the mother of a giant brood of demons.

EDIT: Remember the Neverborn seem to take the form of people/creatures from earth mythology. Lilith was a human woman who mated with demons giving birth to many of their children. So the way she appears fits the fluff in that sense.

Edited by CunningStunt
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I don't know , really...but it's when i put the models (Tots+Youngs+Mature and Lilith)together that it seems odd to me.

For a brood of demons that seem to respect strenght and have a deep dislike of human invaders, i still wonder why their "Mother" chooses to look like one...Oh i know she's cunning and all, but her actions are often completely independant of the Nephilim...and more centered on her connection with nature.

As a very silly idea...since the game was made after models were released, they had limited material to build the story with, so they had to fit the Nephilims with someone and Lilith was picked out of who they had available.

Edited by Sybaris
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Then we just disagree on a very silly idea anyway :) (please quote full blocks or put [...] so i don't seem to argue that stuff any seriously).

In the malifaux fluff, i am not exactly sure that the Nephs are her offsprings, more her people, because there are older Nephilims than her. But yeah the earth mythos of lilith (and vampires) clearly seems to have inspired her tale...and i have no issue with that. My peeve is purely aesthetical.

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My pet peeve with that, is that Lilith looks nothing like the crew she represents.

No horns, no hooves, no wings and not even bigger than a Young Nephilim.

Her fluff is fun, and i do like her story, but i still feel like the model doesn't fit.

I counter this notion with a picture of a stereotypical Italian family. Mama is the smallest member, and yet is the most fierce and most in control of all her men and boys. So as "mother of monsters" she has every right to be little, and still a pretty solid badass.

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With due respect, Italians usually look human through the entire lineage though.

Align a terror tot, a young nephilim, a mature and then Nekima. There's your family.

You can see a clear link between the models, just like your family notion. That is what i like, and why i wish Lilith looked the part too so i could have a whole crew of themed models. She doesn't fit...so be it, it's not like i'll stop using her or anything.

Edited by Sybaris
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