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Dark Omens.



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Depending on how you did it, it could even be both!

("I turn the 1:masks into a Red Joker before it can ever be turned into a 13. I turn the 13:masks into a 1:masks, and from there, I turn it into a Red Joker.")

My best guess is that this is a case where the acting model decides the order, since there's no clear order listed here.

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I actually asked Ratty about this in the chat last week, Jakob's wording over-rides the Dark Omens rule.

Ace in the Hole: When this model flips or Cheats Fate with the 1 of Masks, that card is treated as a Red Joker.

I think the important difference here is that Dark Omens looks at and alters the value of the card, where as Jakob changes the entire card.

If that is the case, I would also say that the 13M does not become a Red Joker, as it is still a 13, it's just that the 13 is only worth 1.

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Yeah that's the message I was trying to get across too.

Basically, try changing the word value with... sausages

Dark Omens would say a 13M is now worth only 1 sausage, and a 1M is now worth 13 sausages.

Jakob says a 1M is a Red Joker. So the 1M is a Red Joker and therefore worth 14 sausages with mustard and relish.

Dark Omens says the 13M is worth 1 sausage, but it's still a 13M, it's just not worth a crap so Jakob sleeves it for later >_>

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