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NI-FauxAugust Painting Poll


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Well a small critique is, that not all the pictures are taken similary - which means that I cannot see, Pale Rider & Bete Noire - and those could be the best... When that is said, among those I can see nicely close-up, It is a close match between Avatar Nicodem & Guild Guard Captain.

The captain has the nicest deatails - however the problem is that Nicodem is such a huge figure with so many exstra details.

IMO, It is a bit unfair that it ain't the same size figures :)

Note (edit after the vote): I actually voted after I wrote the first part of this reply, and according to the poll atm. it is actually exactly as I wrote, hehe - quite interesting.

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I have updated my pale rider. Any thoughts on the photography? Tips? Advice?


a much better photo. It's in focus and sharp.

one possible nitpick would be to make the background neutral. in other words, place some background - can be some white paper or if you want to, find some backgrounds for photography (google it) and print them out and place your model on it.

something like:


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This month is Masters Month os each model will be on a standard 30mm base.

And there was me considering LCB :P

I voted for Pere Ravage

You rock! ;)

Any thoughts on the photography? Tips? Advice?

Seconded, how can you get a camera to focus on 2 models? That was a major pain in the arse with Ravage, here is one focusing just on him


My c and c, for what it's worth: Ravage, the base let him down, was in a rush and it shows in many places. (As an aside, pleased with my first attempt at OSL, learned a lot and enjoyed doing it, now not a technique that I am afraid of)

Bette, I honestly can't make much out, think the highlights are too heavy at bottom of dress as that is where the eye is drawn. Whereas traditionally it should be drawn to the face area. Dunno if this is a photography or painting issue

Captain, love this! The gut really does appear to be bulging out, not a fan of the blue coat, but it is still very well executed.

aNico, the back of the chair is awesome, as is the base. Not sure on the rest of the model, but can't tell if that is paint job or focus related.

Pale Rider, the shade variation on the leathers is well done to break up the colour on what could become too uniform, again, nice base, not sold on the colours used for the rest of the horse though man, sorry, would like to see it against that black stone background, could really make it pop

Really looking forward to see what we all come up with next month guys, anyone got plans for it yet? Will avoid the planned LCB and will either pick up a new master (Colette or altRamos) for it or get cracking on Hamelin, dependant on finances, are henchmen allowed or masters only?

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